Friday 24 November 2023

Hammer 08 - Vesta 1

Last updated 26-Nov-23
  Secure an Advantage: with expertise; roll +wits : 3 +3 vs 3 & 10 : weak hit
    * take +2 momentum, now 9

Hammer, for once, piloted Retribution himself and angled the rear of the ship down as he overflew their selected area at treetop height. The plan to use the engines to burn a clearing worked well and after another two passes, the clearing was large enough to allow for tolerably long defensive sight lines. After a final pass to get accurate data on the clearing, Hammer brought Retribution into land.

Strickland went back to the hold to finalise things before debarking while Hammer transferred control of the ship's weapons to KOMie. They confirmed between them that the weapons would not target Hammer, Strickland or the Moreaus and then went to don his armour.

Finally all ready and assembled, the group entered the airlock, Hammer cycled it through its sequence and they stepped out onto the surface of Vesta. The toxic atmosphere of the planet began its futile assault on their suits, but all their seals held successfully and they began to fan out, looking around at the new sights.

"BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!!" erupted across the newly created clearing as a point defence cannon (PDC) on the far side of the ship fired, shooting at something unseen on the edge of the still smouldering space.

The ash on the ground beneath them stirred up in small clouds as they walked toward the line of tree-like plants closest to them. They could see no movement, but all held their weapons at the ready. Strickland had been very clear about the amount of hostile life on Vesta ...

Strickland's initial plan was to find a game trail and set some trap cameras as the first step in locating a Render, so they plunged straight in when they reached the edge.

  Face Danger: stealth or expertise? As Strickland is running things, I think expertise is more appropriate; roll +wits : 2 +3 vs 1 & 2 : strong hit
    * successful, +1 momentum, now 10 (max)

They were lucky, finding a game trail after only 10 minutes' searching. Strickland had Hammer stay way back, saying that the armour could pollute the trail with its lubricant's smell. The Moreaus were sent up and down the trail to keep watch while he placed the cameras. That done, they returned to the clearing uneventfully where Strickland and the Moreaus returned to the ship while Hammer went to see what the PDC had shot at earlier.

  Creature Oracles: Environment - land; Scale - 40 Medium (person-sized); Basic form - 86 Worm; First look - 3 & 33 flushed skin, 4 & 42 hoofed feet; Encountered behaviour - 4 & 67 pacer; Revealed aspects - 1 & 55 infested with parasites

Rounding the ship's bulk as rain began to fall, Hammer saw the creature that had entered the clearing. Initially, the rain obscured the creature's corpse but as Hammer got closer he could begin to make it out. It had bright pink skin and looked like a 2 metre long, half-metre diameter worm, but as he looked, centipede seemed better as each side had lots of one-metre legs ending in hoofed feet. As he looked, though, the corpse began to ... bubble? no ... undulate?

Lumps began to appear and disappear all over it, then the skin started bursting and thousands of small mouths with tiny bodies attached ate their way out. On the point of retching - never a good thing inside a suit - Hammer pulled out an incediary grenade and tossed it onto the mound of squirming, devouring mouths. After he had confirmed that the flames were destroying the creatures, he turned and went back to Retribution, thoroughly disgusted with life on Vesta ...

Hammer had given Strickland use of the workshop for the duration of the hire and he had just finished setting up the feeds from the trap-cameras when Hammer reached it after removing his armour.

  "I've got my VI set to monitor the feeds, so in the morning we'll have a 'highlight' reel of any movment," Strickland told Hammer.
  "The Moreaus in the viewing room again?" Hammer asked noting their absence.
  "Yes, it seemed best," replied the Doctor.
  "I took some footage of what the PDC shot," Hammer told him. "You can download it whenever you like."
  "No time like the present," said Strickland, and turning back to the monitors, became deeply engrossed in the recording.

  Installing the cameras and getting film of another creature, constitutes
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow, "I will take Strickland to Vesta and bring him back to Lodurr" : progress now 4 / 10

Leaving Strickland at the viewer, Hammer went forward to the armoury, and began to clean his weapons - something he did whenever he had downtime on an 'op'. He had got through to his pistol when Strickland joined him and, as he watched Hammer, Strickland began to speak.

  "It would be good to let the trap-cameras work for a day," he said. "We can decide what to do based on the data they gather."
  "Whatever you think is best," replied Hammer, pausing what he was doing and giving the Doctor his full attention.
  "Great," said the scientist, "I'll go and start planning some options," and Strickland returned to the workshop as Hammer finished his weapon maintenance.

* * * * * * *

The next day, Strickland had collated the data from his cameras and was waiting for Hammer in the workshop.

Still being written ...

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Thursday 23 November 2023

Hammer 07 - Running In

Last updated 26-Nov-23

Retribuition re-entered normal space and KOMie summarised the results of the passive scan onto the bridge's screens briefly for Hammer before switching to a rendering of the system.

  Undertake an Expedition: "Travel to Vesta", troublesome, vigilantly; roll +wits : 5 +3 vs 5 & 6 : strong hit
    * reach a waypoint, envision the location
    * mark progress per expedition rank, now 6 /10
  Space Sighting Oracle: Outlands 4 & 23 - Planet (I'm using the Starsmith Expanded Oracles, so 1d6 is rolled with 1d100)
  Planet Oracles: class 91 - Shattered, Atmo' - 43 none, Life - 46 Extinct, From space - 1 & 28 Fiery planetary core, Name - 4 & 96 Vainglory; Stellar object - 5 & 38 Pale blue star surrounded by a ring of plasma

They had arrived in the Vainglory system, the pale blue plasma-ringed star illuminated the shattered world that gave the system its name, its red fiery core contrasting with the blue light.

The ship's database told them that nothing of economic value had ever been found here, so it was no surprise there was no evidence of settlements. So, with nothing of interest to investigate, Hammer told KOMie to recharge the e-drive and went to get some sleep.

Several hours later, Hammer returned to the bridge to find that KOMie had already made the jump to e-space and they were well on their way to Vesta.

  Undertake an Expedition: "Travel to Vesta", troublesome, vigilantly; roll +wits : 1 +3 vs 1 & 4 : strong hit
    * reach a waypoint, envision the location
    * mark progress per expedition rank, now 9 /10
  Finish an Expedition: "Travel to Vesta", troublesome; roll progress : 9 vs 1 & 5 : strong hit
    * reach your destination
    * mark 1 tick on discoveries legacy track
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow, "I will take Strickland to Vesta and bring him back to Lodurr" : progress now 2 / 10

It was not too long before they made the jump to their destination - the system home to the vital world of Vesta - and they began the run to the planet. Leaving KOMie in charge, Hammer went back to the lounge to talk to Strickland.

  "Dr Strickland," began Hammer as he entered the lounge.
  "Harry, please!" interrupted Strickland.
  "As you say," replied Hammer. "Harry, we've reached Vesta's system and started the run to the planet. Time for you and the Moreaus to get ready. Do you need any help with your equipment?"
  "Thank-you, but no, it's not my first expedition to Vesta, so I know what we need to do," replied the Doctor.
  "Really?" Hammer said, surprised. "What can you tell me about it?"

  Creature Oracles: Environment - land; Scale - large (vehicle sized); Basic form - spider (web weaver); First look - 4 & 03 bark-like skin, 3 & 89 tusks; Encountered behaviour - 1 & 99 roll twice, 5 & 22 dancer, 4 & 16 carnivore; Revealed aspects - 3 & 29 enhanced stamina, 6 & 73 rending attack
A 'Render'
  "We'll be going to the jungle biome and are seeking a creature classified Araneae Xenesthia Immanis, or 'Render' as the locals call it," said the scientist. "Its basic anatomy resembles a spider, although its the size of your Viktor, has tusks and skin resembling the bark of a tree. As you know it's an apex predator, so it's likely that we'll have to kill more than one during the study - which as you will expect - will not be easy."

Thus informed, Hammer went to the armoury and began his preparation ritual. He checked his weapons and then engaged the diagnostic program for his armour. That running, he went to the upper bridge and slumped into the pilot's chair.

  "How long to comms range?" he asked KOMie.
  "Reaching it shortly," KOMie replied and a few second later, "Now in range."
  "Saraswatl control," Hammer said, "This is Lelantos class vessel, Retribution, seeking permission to conduct scientific expedition as per Dr Strickland's previously filed request."
  "Acknowledged, Retribution," was the reply. "Continue approach while we find and check the request."
  After a minute's silence, Saraswatl control spoke once more; "That's all confirmed Retribution. As per the confirmation, there's no need for you to land at the spaceport - you have the co-ordinates permitted for your expedition ... errr ... the only other thing to say is good luck! This says you're after Renders, so you'll need it!"
  "Thank-you Saraswatl control," Hammer replied; "Retribution out."

Hammer asked KOMie where Strickland was and after 'her' answer, he set off for the hold where he and the Moreaus were busy with their equipment.

  "Harry, we've got confirmation from Saraswatl control that we can go straight to the expedition area," he said as came up to the group.
  "Great," said Strickland in answer. "How long until we get there?"
  "90 minutes or thereabouts," he replied. "I was planning to use the engines to burn a clearing for us to land in - what do you think?"
  Strickland looked at Hammer, considering, then spoke, "Actually I think that's a great idea. We had problems finding a clearing last time and with the jungle's rate of growth, the burn will soon disappear."
  "Good. When you're done here, come up to the bridge and we'll find a suitable site," Hammer told him.

Before half-an-hour had passed, Strickland came onto the bridge. They had been about to enter orbit, but now the scientist was here, they were able to bypass that and go straight to their expeditionary area.

They studied the area as shown on the screens before Strickland selected a flat area near the centre of the area.
  "I think that's the place for us," said Strickland.
  "It looks good to me," agreed Hammer, "let's do the burn."

  I think that there is a connection burgeoning between Hammer and Strickland, so I'm going for the move here
  Make a Connection: roll +heart : 5 +2 vs 3 & 6 : strong hit
    * role - xenobiologist, rank - dangerous
  Getting to Vesta and selecting a site is, progress on the vow
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow, "I will take Strickland to Vesta and bring him back to Lodurr" : progress now 3 / 10
  The burn itself will be a Secure an Advantage move that will open the next post ...


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Monday 20 November 2023

Hammer 06 - Leaving

Last updated 23-Nov-23
  Begin a Session: continuing the flashback series from 03 Documenting

Cavalo 337D
Hammer approached the tainted world of Hrybok in the KCS Parivhan Maru, the Cavalo 337D class ship he had taken from KO Alpha 3-3. The 'D' in the class name indicates 'double' as it carries 2 of the 337 HMT containers while the Cavalo 337 carries just one. Hammer had taken the ship before it had been unloaded and had been lucky with the containers' contents. One held a V1kT 'Viktor' armoured personnel carrier; the other had extensive spares for the Viktor, but far more importantly for Hammer, a full suit of powered armour as well as spares for it. Hammer had been in the Kenduri Armoured Infantry for years before transferring to the Kenduri Investigative Bureau when he reached the age limit for the KAI. He was sure he would be needing the armour soon ...

Hammer had come to Hrybok as he'd learnt that one of the Kenduri who'd survived the initial Arata onslaught was collecting survivors here. But as he got closer, he detected ships in orbit and there was no response from the planet. Parivhan Maru's computer resolved the ships in orbit as Arata vessels and Hammer knew that this was yet another dead end ...

Resolutely, Hammer turned his ship away from the planet and transited to minimum jump distance before the Arata ships could intercept. He made a blind e-jump, not knowing where to go but as the ship reached e-space, an artificial female voice came over the ship's speakers; "Mr Hammedin, or do you prefer Hammer? I believe that we need to talk ..."

  Begin a Session: end of flashback
    * +1 momentum, now 5

* * * * * * *

Dr Strickland turned to face Hammer; "Mr Hammedin, I'm surprised that you have not encountered Moreaus before? They are quite common in my experience; perhaps we move in different circles ..." he trailed off, before continuing in a lecturing tone. "A Moreau is a human clone that has had animal DNA spliced into it to introduce desired animal traits. The name comes from an ancient novel, I believe. As clones - and genetically engineered ones at that - they have no legal rights and are legally property. As I said my two are dog hybrids, meaning they are more loyal, have faster reactions and have been well-trained as fighters so make excellent guards, something I anticipate that I will need on Vesta. Now if you have no more questions, I would like to rest. I assume we will be leaving soon?"

Unsure what to say, Hammer simply nodded, and Dr Strickland closed his door. As he headed to the bridge, Hammer said, "KOMie, begin departure."

Reaching the bridge, Hammer kept an eye on things as KOMie piloted Retribution out of and away from Bulwark. The run to minimum safe jump distance did not take long and they began to plot the eidolon jump in the direction of Vesta, a place they had not been to before.

  Undertake an Expedition: "Travel to Vesta", troublesome, vigilantly; roll +wits : 6 +3 vs 1 & 3 : strong hit
    * reach a waypoint, envision the location
    * mark progress per expedition rank, now 3 /10
  Space Sighting Oracle: outlands 1 & 48 - Precursor vault (remember, I'm using Eric Bright's Starsmith Expanded Oracles, so 1d6 is rolled as well as 1d100)
  Ask the Oracle: Is this a known vault? (Likely) 89 - No; some facts about the vault ...
location - deep space; scale 37 - typical site of limited scope; shape 6 & 12 - asteroidal; material 3 & 45 - pitted metallic; outer looks 3 & 49 - Leaking noxious gases, 6 & 58 Malfunctioning cloaking device

The first e-jump completed, they came back to normal space, and, as usual, KOMie swept their surroundings with all their passive sensors.

  "Hammer," KOMie began, "There is a previously unknown vault on the sensors."
  Hammer snapped out of his doze in the pilot's chair; "Really? Show me,"
  KOMie brought up the limited information available on the bridge's display screens. It scrolled through and KOMie announced, "I have it all recorded Hammer, and we can certainly come back here; its trajectory and route are all stored."
  "Great KOMie, get the next jump plotted will you and let me know when you're ready."
  "Of course, Hammer," the AI said as Hammer left the bridge.

Reaching the galley, Hammer began to prepare a meal and was soon joined by Dr Strickland. "Would you like some? It's imitation rice with an alleged unspecified meat," Hammer asked in a half-hearted attempt at a joke.
  Surprisingly, Strickland responded with a weak smile. "Yes please," he said as he sat heavily down onto the galley's bench. "I've allowed the Moreaus access to one of the viewing rooms to keep them entertained. I suggest that you wait until we have concluded our business before you clean it."
  "Very well," replied Hammer, continuing to prepare the food. "Do they have names?" he asked
  "Do you know." began the Doctor, surprise on his face, "I've never asked. They always know which one I'm addressing, perhaps it is their pack instincts, something else included in their makeup ..."

There was a momentary silence as Dr Strickland apparently considered the question, but he said nothing more. The food ready, Hammer brought the bowls to the table and sat at its end next to the Doctor.

  "Well enjoy it if you can, Doctor," he said.
  "It's all fuel," Strickland replied as he tucked in with the same gusto that Hammer inflicted upon his own meal. The silence as they ate was companionable, not strained as he had expected ....

Hammer found himself recollecting Dropship's description of Dr Strickland as 'a complete arse - petty, vindictive and complains more than a bankrupt businessman'. Perhaps today was a good day for the Doctor?

Regardless, Hammer enjoyed the meal and the small talk that they exchanged. When they had finished, the Doctor cleared the plates away, while Hammer got a pair of glasses and with the Doctor's agreement poured them both a glass of dessert wine. As the wine was consumed, Hammer tried to steer the conversation toward the Arata and Strickland's recent work on them.

  Gather Information: roll +wits : 2 +3 vs 1 & 4 : strong hit
    * discover something helpful and specific
    * +2 momentum, now 7
  Need a location; settlement location: 1 & 78 - Deep space; name: 2 & 12 - Evenfall
  Ask the Oracle : Is it in this sector? unlikely: 68 - No, adjacent sector
    sector name: 3 & 17 Blatta and 5 & 71 Schism
  This is another, although perhaps faltering, step on Hammer's background vow
  Reach a Milestone: background vow "I will find the traitor who destroyed our Clan" : learnt the location of the Arata knowledge repository; progress now 2 / 40

Before KOMie announced in Hammer's earpiece that Retribution was ready to jump again, an increasingly loqacious Strickland - or Harry as he said Hammer should call him - had told Hammer that his research had been done on the deep space station 'Evenfall' in the neighbouring sector 'Blatta Schism'. With KOMie's update, Hammer politely disengaged from the conversation and went to the bridge to start the eidolon jump.

  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow, "I will take Strickland to Vesta and bring him back to Lodurr" : progress now 1 / 10


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Saturday 18 November 2023

Hammer 05 - Employing

Last updated 20-Nov-23
  I've not made many rolls so far in the story, so I thought I'd have Hammer Gather Information as he makes his way through the station to find out the Settlement Touble
  Gather Information: roll +wits : 3 +3 vs 4 & 5 : strong hit
    * discover something helpful and specific
    * +2 momentum, now 10
  Settlement Trouble: roll 4 & 71 (as I'm using Eric Bright's Starsmith Expanded Oracles, 1d6 is rolled well as 1d100)
    * Outcast seeks revenge
  Character Callsign: roll 5 & 13 - Bulldog

As Hammer wound his way through the station, he kept hearing the name Bulldog. Pausing to learn more by a couple chattering over a newsheet, he listened as surreptitiously as he could.

"Have you seen this?" the male asked. "They say Bulldog has come back and is on Bulwark!"
"Never!" replied the female, "How could he get past all that security?"
"Some of them were defence witnesses at his trial remember? I'll bet one of them got him onto the station," the man replied authoratively, certain of his opinion.

His curiousity sated for now, Hammer continued on his way. Although Bulldog was nothing to do with

Bulwark station

him, the stir created by his presence might impact Hammer's actions, so he couldn't dismiss it entirely. Something to bear in mind though ...

Arriving outside Dropship's place - a non-descript shop that he lived above - Hammer opened the door, ringing the bell fixed to it (low-tech security, but it worked). The shelves were stacked with samples of a ship-chandler's wares, Dropship's public occupation. As there was already someone in the shop talking quietly with Dropshiop, Hammer busied himself gathering some items he needed.

  Resupply: will be bartering, so roll +heart : 3 +2 vs 1 & 4 : strong hit
    * +2 supply, now 5 (max)

The woman at Dropship's counter finished their conversation and left the shop, so Hammer walked to the counter and exchanged a friendly nod with Dropship.

  "Hey, Cass, got your message," Hammer said.
  "Good to see you Ed," replied Dropship, as old friends they were on first name terms. "Got a job for you," Dropship continued as he rang up Hammer's items on his old fashioned till.

Hammer noted the total and handed over the credits. "Yeah? What is it?," he asked.

  "Well, let me finish explaining before you get riled up," Dropship began; "There's this Dr Strickland who wants a guide and guard to take him to Vesta so he can do a study of one of the apex predators there. Apparently, the guy's a complete arse - petty, vindictive and complains more than a bankrupt businessman ..."
  "Then why the hell would I take the job?" interrupted Hammer incredulously.
  "I said let me finish!" Dropship said loudly. "We're friends ain't we? I wouldn't steer a bum job like this your way if there wasn't a good reason would I?"
  "No. No, you wouldn't," Hammer agreed calming down. "So why are you?"
  "Well, the paper he published before his last one was called 'A Study of Contempary Clan Arata Politics'," revealed Dropship. "Seems the guy has a doctorate in modern politics as well as xenobiology. The paper was sponsored by the Arata so there's nothing new in it, but I'll bet he knows a place where you can find something ..."
  "And all I'll need to do is sweet-talk it out of him," finished Hammer looking at his friend smiling; "Thank-you my friend!"
  "The chip has his location, a copy of his paper and everything I could find on him, as usual," Dropship said and handed the datachip to Hammer.

  Reach a Milestone: background vow "I will find the traitor who destroyed our Clan" : this is Hammer's first lead, so merits a tick; progress now 1 / 40
  I was unsure whether Hammer would swear his vow to Dropship or Dr Strickland, having established a precedent by swearing to Prof Doyce. Then I thought that as Dropship's role is 'mercenary broker' he would be the escrow holder for this job, so Hammer swears the vow to Dropship
  Swear an Iron Vow: formidable, "I will take Strickland to Vesta and bring him back to Lodurr" : roll +heart +1 connection : 3 +2 +1 vs 7 & 7 : miss with match
  Burn momentum (reset to 2) : action total now 10 vs 7 & 7 : strong hit with a match
    * it is clear what you must do next
    * +2 momentum, now 4
    * set Courier asset safety to 5
    * the match - I'll use that in the next move

  Develop Your Relationship: getting this lead is a big deal for Hammer, and Dropship is already his best (only?) friend; combining that with the hit with a match above, I'll mark progress twice on the connection with Dropship, making it 4 / 10

Hammer pulled out the piece of black iron that hung on a chain around his neck and held it in his right hand.
  "I swear that I will take Strickland to Vesta for his study and bring him back to Lodurr."
  "That's done then Ed," Dropship said with the appropriate solemnity. "I'll get your stuff delivered to Retribution."
  "Thanks Cass," Hammer shook hands and walked to the door. "I'll be in touch," he said and left the shop.

* * * * * * *

Back aboard Retribution, Hammer sent his standard introductory message amended for the contract to Dr Strickland and busied himself stowing the supplies from Dropship as he waited for the reply.

Before long it came; Strickland proposed coming to the ship directly and leaving as soon as possible. Hammer had nothing to keep him on Bulwark, so his response confirmed acceptance and he prepared Retribution for departure.

Strickland arrived and buzzed to come aboard, but Hammer checked him out through the vidcams first. He had two other men with him - obviously guards - and a grav sled with a stack of gear on it. There was something odd about the men, but Hammer couldn't determine exaclty what it was through the camera, so he buzzed the intercom.

  "Dr Strickland?" he asked.
  "Yes that's me," came the reply.
  "I'll open the cargo hold," announced Hammer and he made his way to the back of the ship and opened the hold door.

  Character rolls for Dr Strickland: I say rolls, but as I'd already defined him in the narrative, I made appropriate choices; first look - immaculate + proud; initial disposition - prickly; roles - xenozoologist + scholar; goal - educate others

Strickland and his guards were there waiting, so Hammer stood aside and waved them aboard. They secured the grav sled firmly in the hold and then Hammer escorted them up to the staterooms.

  "They will share a room," Strickland said indicating his guards as they traversed the corridor.
  "Very well," said Hammer somewhat surprised. "I can reconfigure the double bed to bunks if you wish?"
  "That is ... unnecessary," replied Strickland. "Their kind do not use beds in the same way as humans."

Hammer stopped and looked directly at the guards. There was definitely something ... wrong with their appearance - their features had a decided animal look. "Their kind?" he asked, uncomfortable talking about them as if they were not there.

  "May I?" asked Strickland rhetorically as he reached past Hammer and opened the stateroom door. "Go in there and stay until I call you," he instructed his guards. They obediently entered the stateroom and Strickland closed the door. "Yes, they are Moreaus," he answered Hammer, "Specifically dog Moreaus - quite expensive but very, very loyal and capable combatants. Will this be my room?" he asked indicating the room opposite the one he had installed his guards in.
  "Yes," Hammer told him. "What is a Moreau?" he asked as Strickland opened his room.


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Hammer 04 - Docking

Last updated 18-Nov-23
  Begin a Session: rolled for this and got 16 - flashback reveals an aspect of a faction; took the opportunity to flesh out one of the Clans

"You buy that story of a survey?" said the Ninses Bannersworn as he watched the Viktor motoring away from Sita.
"Not for a hot minute," said his buddy, "But the money's good."
"Indeed! Good enough for a couple of nights on the town."
"Damn good nights at that!" came the laughing reply.

Clan Ninses' presence on Fanum was not large, and most of their Bannersworn on the planet considered it a 'punishment' posting, or more coarsely as 'the arse-end of nowhere'. They were not an occupation force - the Clan had made an agreement with the Fanum's democratic government. The government paid Clan Ninses to protect Fanum as the spaceport developed and created its own security force.

The Ninses were supposedly training the locals, but in reality they were placing their own people in all the positions that mattered, gradually consolidating all the real power on Fanum. It was only a matter of time before they took complete control.

Hammer would have said that that was how Clan Ninses operates - taking a sideways approach, coming from unexpected directions. Unlike Clans Arata and Zursano who would attack and conquer, Ninses would sidle in and take control before you could stop them.

But Hammer was no longer a Bannersworn - not since Arata had destroyed the Kenduri making him Ronin. The Kenduri had been Hammer's Clan, but now he couldn't care less about any Clan - what he wanted now, more than anything else, was to find the traitor who had sold out the Kenduri ...

  Begin a Session: end of flashback
    * +1 momentum : now 10

* * * * * * *

Hammer closed the door to the vault and the Professor put a University of Nemus seal on the doors - not to keep anyone out, just to let them know if the vault was entered in their absence.

Using the grav compensators, the team was soon back at the surface and loading the Viktor with their kit

  Set a Course: back to Sita : roll +supply : 5 +4 vs 3 & 4 : strong hit
    * reach destination, situation favors you
    * +1 momentum : maxed at 10

The drive back to Sita was uneventful. Just after they had passed halfway, KOMie contacted Hammer on a private channel. As he was still in the AoO (Area of Operations - Hammer wouldn't abandon the training that had saved him so often), Hammer was still in his armour.

"Hammer, you have a message from Dropship," KOMie told him.
"Is it tagged immediate or urgent?" Hammer asked.
"Then keep it until I reach you," Hammer said, leaving 'one thing at a time' unsaid.

They reached Sita without incident. Hammer dropped the team at a hotel and said his farewells as he collected his payment.

  Reach A Milestone: dangerous vow : "I will escort Professor Doyce and his team into, and out of, the vault on Fanum"
    * progress, now 8 / 10
  Fulfill Your Vow: "I will escort Professor Doyce and his team into, and out of, the vault on Fanum" : roll progress : 8 vs 5 & 7 : strong hit
    * dangerous vow : mark 2 ticks on Quests Legacy track
  Note: I did think about trying to Make a Connection with Doyce (or his assistant), but Hammer doesn't do that very often

Returning to Retribution, Hammer removed his armour, parked the Viktor in its garage pattern container and then went to the pilot's chair in the upper bridge.

"Play Dropship's message please KOMie," he said as he dropped into the chair.
KOMie complied and Dropship appeared on the screen in front of him; "Hammer, hope you're well. Got a job for you. Come see me ASAP."
"When was this sent KOMie?" queried Hammer.
"Approximately 34 hours ago," replied the Overseer.
"Get us cleared from the spaceport and then on the way to Lodurr," Hammer told KOMie. "I'm going to sleep, wake me if you need me."
"Will do," confirmed KOMie

Hammer levered himself up and staggered back to the Pilot's cabin where he let himself fall onto the bed. Hammer and Retribution had been to Lodurr before and knew the passage there from Fanum, so he had no concerns regarding KOMie's ability to get them there.

  Set a Course: Fanum to Lodurr : roll +supply : 1 +4 vs 3 & 10 : weak hit
    * arrive, but face cost
    * -2 suffer move : -2 momentum, now 8

The jumps took longer than Hammer had expected, but neither he nor KOMie could discern why. Running diagnostics on the e-drive diverted power from the engines and the run to the main station in the Lodurr belts, Bulwark, was delayed. The diagnostics showed no problems, so they engaged the engines and resumed the run at normal speed, wondering what had happened.

As they reached comms range, Bulwark called them, "Lelantos class vessel, this is Bulwark station, state your destinaion."
"Starship Retribution requesting docking clearance," Hammer replied.
"Retribution, you are cleared to dock, proceed to level 3, dock 6," came the bored response.
"Thank-you Bulwark," Hammer said, "can I send a message on your internal system?"
"Of course. Bulwark out," said the Bulwark controller.

Hammer updated the ETA on the message he had recorded for Dropship and dispatched it, then settled back to doze for the rest of the run to the station, leaving KOMie in control.

Before long they had docked at Bulwark and Hammer left Retribution in the capable 'hands' of KOMie while ha entered the station and began the journey to Dropship's place.


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Friday 17 November 2023

Hammer 03 - Documenting

Last updated 17-Nov-23
  Begin a Session: flashback reveals an aspect of your background; continues from the last flashback

KO Alpha 3-3
Special Agent Hammedin slammed the folder down on the table. "Damn you, Krestedin, admit your guilt!"
"I didn't do it sir!" the diminutive clerk wailed in response.

Hammedin was as certain as he could be that he had his killer. Four days of investigation had revealed multiple pieces of evidence that Corporal Krestedin was guilty of poisoning the whistle-blower. But as it was all circumstantial, Hammedin needed a confession to get a conviction. If he couldn't get one, then Krestedin would likely walk free.

With an air of resigned weariness, Hammedin sat at the table opposite Krestedin and began to leaf through the folder, ignoring him. It was a technique designed to unsettle the interviewee and it seemed to be working on Krestedin, but then a siren began to blare through the outpost. Closing the folder, Hammedin quickly rose and left the interrogation room locking the door behind him and headed to the control centre.

Pandemonium reigned in the control centre. People were talking over each other, shouting across the room as information was passed between the staff. Eventually Hammedin was able to discern that an interstellar cargo shuttle had arrived with the news that the Kenduri homeworld had been overrun in a sneak attack by Clan Arata. Devastatingly, nearly all the Kenduri family had been caught on the planet - at most only a handful had escaped the attack and they were scattered, unable to co-ordinate a response.

His entire life had been with the Kenduri - his parents had both been their Bannersworn. The defeat and destruction of the Clan was inconceivable to him ... what would he do now? It took only a moment for him to decide - he span on his heel and ran  to the nearest hangar.

  Begin a Session: end of flashback
    * +1 momentum : now 9

* * * * * * *

Doyce and the team came up and into the control room.

"I think we're going to be documenting this for a while," the Professor said as he entered.
"OK," replied Hammer, "I'll keep lookout at the T-junction; take as long as you need."

Going back to the junction, Hammer readied his assault rifle as he went and taking post, kept watch as the team did their work.

After about an hour, the initial assessment was complete and they came back to Hammer at the junction. Re-assembled, they started along the other branch of the junction.

Hammer followed the outer side of the corridor - there was no debris in the corridor so it seemed that the attackers had not penetrated this far. The mapping software on his HUD showed that the curve in the corridor had gone through 90 degrees before anything changed.

The corridor opened into an enormous room filled with machinery. To their right a ramp rose up to a room fixed to the ceiling and lined with glass all around. From where they were at the room's entrance, it seemed like another control room - this time for the room's machinery.

The machinery, in fact the entire room, was still and silent, so with Barlow videoing, they went up the ramp to the glass room. The vault's lights had continued to activate as the team moved through it, as they did in the glass room ahead of them. The entry into the room was a gap in the glass wall at the top of the ramp - it had no door at all.

The room was obviously empty of any bots, but Hammer still entered and swept it before he allowed the researchers in. As soon as they were, though, they could barely contain their excitement and Hammer was quickly shooed out to give them more room

  Reach a Milestone: vow "I will escort Professor Doyce and his team into, and out of, the vault on Fanum"
    * mark progress, now 6 /10

Hammer knew they would be a long time in the treasure trove they had discovered so he switched to his sniper rifle to better examine the machinery in the room. To his uneducated eye, the machinery seemed to be arranged in production lines. From the partially finished machines on them, it looked like they had been assembling maintenance robots.

It was all very fascinating, but not to Hammer. He turned up the proximity alarm's sound setting and then set it to cover the entire ramp and the space above it, locked the leg joints of his armour, readied his tribarrel and relaxed in his armour, quickly slipping into a semi-alert doze ...

* * * * * * *

The chronometer on Hammer's HUD showed him that just over 2 hours had passed and the team were still busy measuring and sampling in the room behind him. While dozing, he had realised that he hadn't cleared the area under the ramp - a small but potentially fatal mistake. He unlocked the armour's legs and walked down the ramp.

"Team, I'm checking under the ramp," he called to them over the intercom. There was no reply, so he sent the message again, this time with the override setting enabled.
"Yes, yes, we heard," came Doyce's testy reply.

Mentally shrugging and ignoring the Prof's display of temper, Hammer reached the end of the ramp and followed it at floor level. Finding nothing under the ramp, he returned to his previous vigil at the top of the ramp.

Eventually Hammer called a halt to the team's activities. They had been out long enough and had to return to the Viktor to replenish their oxygen and water. Reluctantly, Doyce agreed and the team began to pack up.

With everything packed, they began their trip back through the vault, Hammer again taking the lead. As they went, they discussed the next steps the team would take.

  Undertake an Expedition: troublesome, "Explore Fanum's Vault" : vigilantly, roll +wits : 6 +3 vs 6 & 7 : strong hit
    * reach a waypoint; envision the location
    * mark progress per the rank of the expedition, now 9 / 10

"We have so much data that it will take us a couple of weeks to process," announced Doyce. "The robot assembly line itself is fascinating. Anyway, when we get back to Sita, your vow will be fulfilled, Hammer. We'll stay there until a security team from the University reaches us and then we'll return here."
"That's good with me - thank-you Professor," replied Hammer.
"Thank-you Hammer," said Doyce, "You did an excellent job."
"It's not quite over Professor," Hammer said, "Let's wait until we get to Sita hey?"

No answer came and they continued in silence to the vault's entrance.

  Finish an Expedition: troublesome, "Explore Fanum's Vault" : progress 9 vs 4 & 6 : strong hit
    * You reach your destination
    * mark 1 tick on Discoveries Legacy track


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Thursday 16 November 2023

Hammer 02 - Entering

Last updated 18-Nov-23
  Begin a Session: I decided to write a flashback for Hammer - back to the beginning of his last mission for the Kenduri

The pilot turned towards Special Agent Hammedin; "Reaching comms range, sir," she said quietly.

"Thank-you, Leftenant," he replied toggling the external comms. "Kenduri Outpost Alpha 3-3, this is Kenduri Cargo Starship Populi Maru, respond."
"KCS Populi Maru, KO Alpha 3-3 responding," came the reply. "You are expected. Transmit your clearance code to confirm."

A moment passed as the computer aboard the ship completed its electronic 'handshake' with the outpost's Overseer AI module.

"That's all done, KCS Populi Maru, proceed to dock 5," the outpost reported.
"Thank you KO Alpha 3-3," said Hammedin before closing the comms and leaving the bridge.

The pilot sighed audibly after the door closed behind the special agent. "I'll be glad when he's gone," said the co-pilot; more cautious than her colleague, the pilot said nothing, concentrating on their approach so the Outpost's Overseer would have nothing to report when it took over.

The Cavalo-337 interstellar cargo shuttle Populi Maru span simultaneously through both horizontal and vertical axes as the AI took control and glided it gently into dock 5 where the holding clamps secured it firmly.

The 337 container (named for its dimensions - 3m x 3m x 7m) disengaged from the ship and transferred onto the outpost. Then a different container was placed in the ship and it was released from the dock. The Populi Maru's relief crew powered the ship away from the outpost and towards minimum distance for an e-jump.

As his custody pattern container transited along the conveyor belts to the security station, Hammedin did his best to contain his impatience to begin the investigation on the outpost. Black marketeering in itself was below his paygrade, but the death of his informant merited intervention - whistle-blowers had to be protected or they'd stop coming forward ...

  Begin a Session: end of flashback
    * +1 momentum : now 4

* * * * * * *

Detaching from the rope, Hammer approached the door as the others followed him down.

  Undertake an Expedition: troublesome, "Explore Fanum's Vault" : vigilantly, roll +wits : 3 +3 vs 3 & 5 : strong hit
    * reach a waypoint; envision the location
    * mark progress per the rank of the expedition, now 3 / 10

The doorway itself had two doors that met in the middle; in the seam, two metres up from floor level, was what appeared to be a button. His tribarrel at the ready, Hammer approached the button and examined it carefully seeing that it bore the 'open' icon that he had seen in previous vaults. Cautious as always, he waited until the entire team was down and ready before pushing it.

The doors ground slowly open, and as they did so, lights came on in the corridor that led away from them into the vault. The lights revealed piles of debris and detritus littering the floor, but not enough to impede them. Not until the doors had fully opened and a full minute had passed did Hammer move slowly forward across the threshold and into the vault.

  As this vault is Hammer's first foray, I made choices on the Oracles instead of rolling and here are the choices that I made that have been revealed so far:
    * location : planetside
    * scale : minor, confined site
    * form : woven into environment
    * shape : practical
    * material : metallic industrial
    * outer first look : cavernous opening
    * inner first look : damage and debris

Slowly advancing, Hammer entered the vault, skirting the debris as his HUD identified the components of the litter as pieces of remnant robots.

"Looks like the vault's last visitors were attacking remnant robots from another faction," said Hammer on the team's intercom. "You can see the differing styles of manufacture."
"Indeed," replied the Professor. "Asha, vid them all please." His assistant transferred her carbine to her off-hand, pulled out her camera and began recording.

 Around thirty metres in, there were arches in each side of the corridor. Looking into each of them, the team could see that they were now empty hangars. It seemed that they had held the robots that now lay destroyed in the main corridor, although some had not managed to leave their hangars, destroyed before they could move.

The destroyed aerial robots in one of the hangars were of particular interest to Professor Doyce and the team stopped to take detailed measurements and samples. Positioning and manufacture style indicated that they had been attackers.

Thirty metres on, the corridor terminated at a T-junction.

  Undertake an Expedition: troublesome, "Explore Fanum's Vault" : vigilantly, roll +wits : 5 +3 vs 5 & 8 : weak hit
    * reach a waypoint; envision the location
    * mark progress per the rank of the expedition, now 6 / 10
    * face a peril at the waypoint

To the right, the corridor decreased in size to three by three metres terminating at a door after five metres, while to the left it continued at the same ten by ten metre size curving to the right from Hammer's perspective. Electing to check the smaller area first, Hammer left the team at the junction and advanced to the door.

The one piece door had the open icon button in its centre, so Hammer pushed it with the muzzle of his tribarrel. The door slid smoothly downwards to reveal a control room with multiple consoles and three of the remnant hexapod robots powering up!

  Enter the Fray: objective "Defeat the remnant robots" - troublesome : sizing up the situation, roll +wits, +1 from Weapon Master asset : 2 +3 +1 vs 4 & 8 : weak hit
    * You are in control
    * +1 momentum from Weapon Master asset, now 5
  Strike: attack at a distance : roll +edge : 5 +2 vs 5 & 6 : strong hit
    * mark progress twice, now 6 / 10
    * you stay in control

"BLAM! BLAM!" Hammer's tribarrel barked twice and the control centres of the closest two robots disintegrated as the slugs impacted. As he fired Hammer had entered the room and crashed against the nearest console using it as cover. Given the range, Hammer switched to his SMG, stuck it over the top of the console and sprayed the entire magazine into the area of the last bot.

  Gain Ground: charging boldly into action : roll +heart : Weapon Master asset - once per fight, when Gain Ground by switching weapons, take an automatic strong hit : strong hit
    * stay in control
    * +2 momentum, now 7
    * mark progress, now 9 / 10
  Take Decisive Action: roll progress : 9 vs 2 & 6 : strong hit
    * +1 momentum, now 8

Hammer could see the last bot falling to the floor through the SMG's sight display on his HUD, so he reloaded the SMG then stepped out scanning the room to ensure all foes were down. As they were, he called the research team forward.

  Reach a Milestone: vow "I will escort Professor Doyce and his team into, and out of, the vault on Fanum"
    * mark progress, now 4 /10


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