I thought this such a great idea that I'm going to do the same; so (in no particular order!), here is what I hope to accomplish (gaming-related that is) in the year to come:
- WW2 Burma 15mm - finish the figures I've got and do some scenery related stuff for it
- Witchfinder General - got the rules for xmas and acquired a bunch of minis for this game; all need painting
- Indian Mutiny - I got 'Season in Hell: Defence of the Lucknow Residency' for xmas, so hopefully that will get me inspired to get the minis painted for this. Thinking about buildiings though ... was thinking adobe style - anyone got sources for print your own adobe builidings?
- 10mm Fantasy - got a bunch of this to paint up for use with Rally Round the King including a Pendraken Hussite army
- 15mm VBCW - still got this to finish ... bought some more figures for it at Warfare as well!
- 54mm Gladiators - most painted, still got some to do and need to create an arena of some sort
- Wings of War - bought the game and some planes at Colours. Not done anything yet, except get some pilots for them
- 28mm Elfball - finishing touches for one team, yet to paint the second :(
- Outrider - I got a bunch of cars, stripped a few down and added card 'armour plates' then spray undercoated them ... however, I was disappointed with the reuslts as the card just didn't look 'right', so I gave up on this project. Recently though, I got some black plasticard to try instead, so I hope to make progress on this project
- WW2 late war western front - painted Brits and Germans ages ago, just need to finish their bases
Anyway, whatever you have planned for the coming year, I hope it works out well as I hope does my list!