Saturday, 5 April 2014

6mm City

Waaay back in this post :  not-city-but-building, I posted pictures of the first of the 6mm buildings I made for ATZ: Mass Hysteria.  Well, I made quite a few and got them out to take pics today. In this first one you can see the building from the first post in the centre right of the pic, and in the centre background is one of the 6mm police bases I've done

This next photo shows the police base a lot closer and 28mm zed-me to give an idea of size

Here we have the city as it is right now; I intend to add a few more buildings

 From a different angle

And a close-up of one of the bigger buildings at the back with the police base on the roof

For those who don't have ATZ:MH, it uses 3" square city blocks, which is the standard I've used above. All the buildings above are free from here:

They are designed for 10mm games, but I printed the A3 pages on A4 which is about 60% - just right for 6mm

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

update ...

Hi All, Just letting you know that I am still here.

However, I was made redundant at the end of January and my health has suffered as a result. Consequently, I have neither been blogging or reading those blogs that I follow.

I've had 3 interviews over the last week and am waiting to hear the results, so hopefully things will pick up soon.

I have a bunch of things that I want to post on now, so hopefully the next update will appear a bit sooner that it took this one to arrive!