This page lists the named characters introduced in Cerberon's adventures. They are listed by their current home settlement (shown as settlement name, planet name, star-name) and there is a section for those that have died
The entries are in the format: name (with callsign, if any in 'quotes'); role, allegiance (if any); initial disposition (first impressions matter!); 2 first looks; revealed aspect (if any); goal - will be in 'quotes'; physical descriptors. If they are a connection or bond, the rank and progress are also shown on the next line.
If a descriptor is shown as struckthrough, then that aspect has changed as a result of gameplay
Felayn's Drop, Morricone, Electra
Dangerous connection, progress 2/10
Gloam Station
Kalen's Folly, Nimbus, Sheraton
Troublesome connection, progress 3/10
Deceased Characters