Hammer - Assets

last updated 16-Nov-23

Hammer's starting assets are Starship (Retribution), Exosuit, Courier and Explorer

  • Hammer's Starship Retribution has its own page
  • An Exosuit in my Starforged is like Power Armour in the Fallout games. Unlike the game though, its power source does not decrease, but it does require exiting to use things requiring fine motor control - e.g. keyboards
  • Hammer's Exosuit
  • Hammer's version of Courier entails escorting clients into, and out of, precursor vaults. Safety on the asset, therefore, refers to the safety of his clients
  • The 3rd asset was originally going to be Explorer, but as I wrote the first post I realised that that choice was for mechanical benefits; Weapon Master is a far better choice for the narrative, so I changed to that
  • Ideas for future assets include

  • Overseer - an AI for Hammer to converse with and he's not a pilot
  • Archer - I like this asset and I think it will be a good fit for the direction that I plan (hope!) the game will go
  • Rover - the 2nd ability on this asset seems pretty good and I think skinning this as an APC will fit the character concept I have (at the start!) well
  • Fugitive - if/when Hammer returns to Clan Arata space, this will be very appropriate

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