Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Disaster ...

In 25 years (or thereabouts ... perhaps longer, I really don't want to think about it too much!) of painting miniature figures, I have only once knocked over an open pot of paint.

Until last night that is. It also had to be when I was still wearing one of my white work shirts (and not a cheap t-shirt that I normally wear in the evenings) didn't it?  So I scrubbed out the paint as quickly as I could and put it in the kitchen sink to soak.

Of course, I did not swear loudly or repeatedly - honest! - well ... maybe just a little bit ...

Anyway; I also managed to increase my total of finished Gripping Beast plastic Anglo-Saxons to 32 - all of  whom have been magic-dipped, and now have another 12 of them left to do, along with a couple of metal figures. These will be used with SAGA as Anglo-Danes (as the Anglo Saxon details have not been released for it yet) against my Gripping Beast plastic Vikings - so they will be next onto the painting table.

I have also managed to get a bunch of my 1/300th Baccus War of Spanish Succession infantry done (a couple of pics were in my last post), and have got the Black Powder rules (a late birthday present from my step-daughter) and C'est la Guerre (fast play rules ordered from Caliver Books) on their way to me.  But before they can be played I'll need to get substantially more figures ...  Meanwhile, I've found Ian Croxall's Blenheim 04 rules on the warflag site which seem good to me.

That's it for this update; pictures in the next one!