Friday 31 August 2012

update ...

Apart from finishing sticking my new ships to their basese, I've not accomplished much of anything recently. Work has been a b*tch and home-life has not been great either ...

[end self-pity mode]

However, this weekend I intend to finish off my Stoelzel's Structures Food Market or, at the very least, take some photos of it to post here on Monday. So more then.

Until then, have a good weekend!

edited 3.15pm 31-Aug:  I've just put in a huge order with Grekwood to try and cheer myself up - hospital zeds'n'beds, plus some 40mm baddies to kill my greeks! pics when they arrive

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Stoelzel's Structures' Hospital part 2

I first posted on this build pack in this post - stoelzels-structures-hospital, and in my last post - sickness-strikes - I threatened to post the updated photos of the build and here they are.

To begin, there are pics of the exterior before the recent changes:
And after:

As you can see, I've opened up all the windows (and 'glazed' them!) and have re-skinned the building so that the pairs of windows at the sides of the 1st and 2nd floors are now singles. I've done this with the windows on the ends of the hospital as well. I did this for 2 reasons - first, and the main reason, I was too lazy to cut out 4 windows for each room [ ;) ] and second, I wasn't going to have enough wallspace for what I wanted in the rooms if there were 4 windows in it.

So, to the first of the interior shots which are of the Director's office. As a reminder, this pic is a 'before' shot, showing the director's office - the 3-walled room at the bottom right of the pic:

And these pics show the now furnished office from 3 angles:

These next 2 shots show what I've put in the Records office (the room at the top left of the last 'before' pic). The tape drives on the machinery is now out of date, but I like them - makes me think of James Bond films!

Here we have one of the patients' rooms. The beds are the 120% version which fit very well, as are the cupboard/wardrobes. You can also see I've added the in-houose brain-washing/conditioning entertainment system:

Now pics of the 'Control' rooms that are on the 1st and 2nd floors. I've covered the fire extinguisher that is printed on the wall with a folded version and added a security monitor add gun cabinet - all of which are from the Stoezel's Modular Lair 2, IIRC:

As well as furnishing and 'opening' the windows, I've also added a room to each floor. It niggled at me that there were no toilet facilities in the building, so at the left end (as you look at the front of the building from the outside) I've added a wall across the corridor, a window to its end and tiled flooring (from Stoelzel's Modular Mansion, IIRC). I had to move the doors into the patients rooms adjacent to this new room sideways to create a room of any worthwhile size. The left pic below is to illustrate where this room is - at the right side end of the corridor - and the right pic is of the room itself:

And finally, a pic of the furniture I've added to the reception area - namely a bank of chairs and a coffee table. These are also from Stoelzel's but I m not sure which!

So that is the 'Clinic' as it currently stands. It's still not finished - the Personnel and Finance offices in the extension need furniture - and without conscious decision I seem to have furnished it more for an RPG or 7TV game than for a zed-based game, but I'm happy with it!

Monday 6 August 2012

Sickness strikes ...

I recently posted a long list of Stoelzel's Structures that I'm planning to build, but unfortunately a bout of sickness has struck that will prevent me from completing that list ...

Yes, once more the wargamer's curse - "Ooh-Shiny"-itis has struck ... I found out that there is a wargame based on the battle of the Atlantic called Convoy available.

As this is something that I've always had a hankering to play - No, I don't really know why! - I had to (of course) buy it and all the supplements for it and some figures!

So instead of building, I've been reading the rules, ordering figures and generally getting very excited about yet another new project!

Before this struck though, I did manage to furnish most of the clinic that featured in this post - stoelzels-structures-hospital - so I intend to photograph that tonight and post on it tomorrow, before I start posting on my latest obsession.