I recently posted a long list of Stoelzel's Structures that I'm planning to build, but unfortunately a bout of sickness has struck that will prevent me from completing that list ...
Yes, once more the wargamer's curse - "Ooh-Shiny"-itis has struck ... I found out that there is a wargame based on the battle of the Atlantic called Convoy available.
As this is something that I've always had a hankering to play - No, I don't really know why! - I had to (of course) buy it and all the supplements for it and some figures!
So instead of building, I've been reading the rules, ordering figures and generally getting very excited about yet another new project!
Before this struck though, I did manage to furnish most of the clinic that featured in this post - stoelzels-structures-hospital - so I intend to photograph that tonight and post on it tomorrow, before I start posting on my latest obsession.