Wednesday, 2 July 2014

still here - wherever that is!

Well, I've finally managed to secure new employment, having started my new job on 23rd June. So far, half-way through my 2nd week, things are going well and I'm enjoying it.

However, prior to now I've been coping - well trying to anyway - with the effect of the repeated rejections I've had upon my condition.  This battle has not been easy and one of the casualties has been - as you may have noticed - my blogging.

I know I've posted this previously, but I'm going to post it again even so - I hope to pick up blogging regularly soon; as regular as I've ever managed that is.

I've not been idle on the hobby front. As things began to pick up for me - between being offered the job and actually starting was a 3 week delay caused by security clearances - I began to do some more things which I hope to post on. I've also been reading a bit, so will share my experiences on the WW3 and alternate WW2 series (2 of the former and 1 of the latter) that I've read.

Until then - apologies for yet another extended absence