I've realised that I have been playing Hayla as a connection - +1 on rolls associated with her expertise - rather than as a sidekick - reroll action die if value is less than sidekick’s health. Oops.
The shaft finished at the deck above,where there were three doorways; one opened into a smaller room with another doorway in the opposite wall and the other two opened into larger rooms. One had a raised circular dais and the other opened onto an area with tables, chairs and a smaller shaft.
Popping her head through the doorway, Janya saw that the smaller room was some kind of medical area as it held half-a-dozen beds with blank screens above them.
"Shall we go up again?" asked Janya. "Assuming, of course that, that shaft over there is another elevator tube,"
"Let's have a look shall we?" asked Hayla, and the drone drifted over to the smaller shaft.
Janya again brought up the drone's visual feed and confirmed it was another elevator shaft - at least it had an exit to another deck above. As she drifted over to the other shaft, Janya noticed that the tables and chairs were all fixed to the floor - explaining why they were still here. Actually, they weren't fixed to the floor - they were completely flush with it, as if they had been 'grown' out of it somehow ... not something that she had seen before ...
"Hey Hayla," she said. "Look at this," and she pointed at the foot of a table.
The drone came back from the shaft and pivoted to look at the bases of the tables and chairs. "Wow," said Hayla, "It's like they've grown out of the floor. You know what else?" she continued. "Whoever crewed this ship must've been about the same size as us - the tables, chairs and beds show that."
"You're not wrong, not wrong at all," replied Janya, "But I've never even heard of a ship constructed like this - have you?"
"No, I've not," answered Hayla.
Janya headed for the smaller shaft, entered it and, using her jets, drifted upwards accompanied by Hayla's drone.
At the top of the shaft, Janya came out into what could only be a combat information centre. There were what seemed to be crew terminals, although all the surfaces showed only the dulled mirror finish matching every other surface inside the ship. Two chairs in opposite corners surrounded by 'consoles' and a round table in a third corner were the room's furniture. Three doors led from the room - one to the assumed 'front' and two toward the stern.Undertake an Expedition: "Explore the Dead Ship" 'dangerous'; +Wits; 5 +3 vs 2 | 4 => strong hit => waypoint, progress now 8/10
"Let's find the cockpit," said Janya.
"Why not?" answered Hayla, so human and drone headed toward the front end of the ship, through the door in that direction.
Reaching the end of the short corridor, Hayla's drone floated through the door and found what could only be the ship's cockpit. As with the rest of the ship that they had seen, there was no evidence of crew or any of the detritus that you would expect on a ship - confirmation of their, joint, unspoken conclusion that the ship had sufferered an explosive decompression.
Finish an Expedition: "Explore the Dead Ship"; progress 8 vs 6 | 5 => strong hit => mark two ticks (Dangerous expedition) on Discoveries legacy track
"So what we have here," began Hayla, "is a ship of design and style that neither of us have ever heard of before, never mind seen. Apparently, it had an explosive decompression, leaving no evidence of the crew or their possessions."
"I agree," agreed Janya, starting to retrace her 'steps' back to their ship. "What do we do about it?"
"We don't have the resources - physical or financial - to exploit it," replied Hayla.
"Unfortunate, but nevertheless true," agreed Janya again.
"So, I guess, we sell it? Or, rather, the location that is ..." suggested Hayla, sounding uncertain.
"Absolutely," said Janya, "Which only leaves the question - who to?"