This page lists all the named characters introduced in Radulf's adventures and continues them into Brunvoldt's. They are listed by their home settlement for Humans, species for others and there is a section for those that have died
Where generated, the descriptors and goal (goal will be in 'quotes') are shown followed by a physical description. If they are a connection, the rank and progress are shown too.
If a descriptor is shown as struckthrough, then I've changed it to the descriptor following it as a result of play
First-Priestess-of-Vanth Lady Sibila; Regal, Calm, Powerful; beautiful, elegant, wise
Formidable connection, progress 4/10
Temple-Houndmaster Gunnvor; Reserved, Intelligent, Humble; 'Discover the truth of their past'; dark-skinned, average height, curly white hair and beard, wiry strength
Troublesome connection, progress 3/10
Temple-Armourer Maghilde; Zealous, Innovative, Couteous, Flexible; 'Teach others'; blonde short braids, muscular, very tall, aware of her enormous strength she is careful with her movement
Troublesome connection, progress 6/10
Mistress-of-Lore Gyda
Master-Stonemason Herta; Reliable, Humble, Cooperative; 'Build a better life'
Charun Knud; Flexible, Honourable, Friendly; 'Gain fame and glory'
Troublesome connection, progress 0/10; role - Charun
Mayor Verena
Chief-of-Crafts Erin
Priestess-of-Vanth Ser Taylah; Connected, Stern, Insightful; a tall, dark-skinned and thickset woman she runs Portwater's Temple-of-Vanth with an iron rule; heroforge picture in this post
Bond, 'dangerous', role - politician
First-Merchant Toran
Captain-Warden Selva; Generous, Loyal, Forgiving; an ugly, red-haired woman made pleasant by her wide, generous, smile; she is much-beloved by her Wardens and all of Portwater
Troublesome connection with hamlet, progress 6/10
Mayor Jelma
Chief-of-Crafts Masias
Priestess-of-Vanth Amara; Frank, Armed, Experienced; 'Be loved by all'; former warden, took an arrow in her knee, plain looking
Troublesome connection, progress 0/10
First-Merchant Yuda
Captain-Warden Morgan
Dag, Hunter/Tracker; Competent, Small, Oily; 'Destroy Varou & Hyenas'; seems arrogant, but is as good as he believes he is
Troublesome connection, progress 0/10
Shashkya, Apothecary; best in the region
Mayor Torgia (formerly First-Merchant); Clumsy, Resourceful, Confident; 'Advance status'
Eindride, Acolyte
Troublesome connection with village, progress 6/10
Mayor Birgitta; Warm-hearted, Organised, Gregarious; overweight goodwife
Chief-of-Crafts Hemingr, wheelwright; Vindictive, Blunt, Tactless
First-Merchant Piritta, carter; Intelligent, Pro-active, Fixated
Captain-Warden Erik; Cold-hearted, Sad, Reserved, Compassionate, Energetic; blond, long drooping moustache, grizzled
Odvir, carter. son of Captain-Warden Erik, husband of Sigrid; Sympathetic, Erratic, Trustworthy; wooden leg below left knee
Sigrid, wife of Odvir; Rational, Pious, Easily Impressed; 'Solve ancient mystery'
The Cripple; its left shoulder was shattered by Radulf outside Highfall, now its left arm hangs at its side "like a dead branch on a tree"
Deceased Characters
Priestess-of-Vanth Lili; Doomed, Amicable, Romantic; young, thin, brunette, beautiful
connection progress 4/10 (formidable); assets: Communion, Lightbearer, Ward
Died at the end of Post 22 - Sacrifice
Firstmeet, First-Merchant Idridi, charcoal maker; Arrogant, Abrupt, Vicious; former spouse of Gunnhildr
Killed by Restless in Post 07 - Vow Forsaken
Mayor (of Firstmeet) Finnr, Cynical, Calm, Shy; unremarkable, quiet-voiced, well-liked
Died of cancer
Priestess-of-Vanth (of Firstmeet) Gunnhildr; Gentle, Discreet, Religious Waspish; short, stout, prematurely aged, former spouse of Indridi; Bond, 'troublesome', role - farmer
Believed eaten by Varou in Post 20 - Hunt's End
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