Radulf - Character Sheet

I (try to!) update the resource numbers below as they change during posts; current situation reflects the end of post 22

Health 0 : Spirit 5 : Supply 5 : Momentum +2   (max 9, reset 1)
Companion Hound - Runbjorn, Current Health: 1

Active Debilities

  • Wounded: -1 max momentum (now 9), -1 momentum reset (now 2)

Iron Vows

  • "I will complete my twenty years' service to the Church of Vanth, guide of the dead"
        Background vow, extreme 0/10
  • "I will end the villain that created the Chimera"
        formidable 7/10; Threat: 'Plots of the Villain': menace 4/10
  • "I will investigate the Varou that attack Woodwatch" trblsm, 1xp, +1xp B'sworn
  • "I will give salt to the needy and collect those who make their final journey as this winter begins" (I will complete my first patrol as Charun) - dngrs, 2xp, +1xp B'sworn
  • "I will return Sven and Gunter to Turid" - trblsm, 1xp, +1xp B'sworn
  • "I will put The Sodden of the Elfreda to rest" - trblsm, 1xp, +1xp B'sworn
  • "I will decide if the jewelry belongs to Gunnhildr or Idridi" trblsm 3/10, Idridi died


  • Church of Vanth
  • Ser Taylah, Priestess-of-Vanth in Portwater, progress 2/10, 'dangerous'
  • Highfall, northern hamlet, progress 3/10, 'troublesome'
  • Gunnhildr, Priestess-of-Vanth in Firstmeet, progress 3/10, 'troublesome'
  • Woodwatch, western village, progress 6/10, 'troublesome'

Current Progress Tracks

  • Failure Track: 3.50/10; (optional rule from Delve)

Spent / Unspent XP:  8 / 9

  • spent 2xp at start of post 19 on second ability, Ferocious, of asset Companion Hound
  • At start of post 14, exchanged Ironclad for Masked - Bloodwood
  • spent 3xp at end of post 11 on asset Companion Hound with first ability, Sharp
  • spent 3xp at start of post 6 on asset Ironclad


Charun - Iron
  When you say your daily prayers, you may Secure an Advantage by asking your god to grant a blessing. If you do, roll +your god’s stat. On a hit, take +2 momentum
  Church of Vanth
When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve your leader or faction on a mission, you may reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience, take +1 experience
Bringer *
  If you wield a mighty hammer ...
When you Turn the Tide, you may Strike with all the fury and power you can muster. If you do (decide before rolling), you may reroll any dice and inflict +2 harm on a strong hit, but count a weak hit as a miss
  When you wear your Mask-of-Charun and make a move which uses Iron, add +1. If you roll a 1 on your action die, suffer -1 Health (in addition to any other outcome of the move)
  Name: Runbjorn, a Kadaverhund**
Sharp: When you Gather Information using your hound’s keen senses to track your quarry or investigate a scene, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit
Ferocious: When you Strike or Clash alongside your hound and score a hit, inflict +1 harm or take +1 momentum.

   * - For the Thunderbringer asset, I really didn't see Radulf smashing things up, so I took the 3rd asset ability instead of the usual default 1st ability
   ** - Kadaverhund is (according to Google) Danish for Cadaver dog; in our world Runbjorn would be a bloodhound; he is trained to find bodies, hopefully before they can rise as Restless

Thoughts on Assets
  • I had planned to take Companion Mammoth, but couldn't really get my head 'round the size of a Mammoth as practicable; I may reskin it to be a Bison at some point
  • I'm thinking of taking Lili as Companion Kindred, but we'll see how the upcoming delve goes
  • The rituals Communion and Ward fit the Vanth religion nicely and Communion would provide opportunities for getting vows
  • 3rd ability of Banner-sworn for which I see Radulf wearing a samurai-style sashimono