Welcome to the index page for my Ironsworn character Radulf. First, Radulf's character sheet; this is updated as I write, so may well have been updated to reflect events that have not yet been published...
Notes on how I've set the game up.
- I started this game using the 'challenging' alternate (higher than the rulebook's) stat array from Ironsworn Lodestar as suggested, in a couple of places, by the author (Shawn Tomkin) for a solo game. However, by the time I got to the end of post 09, I decided that the game felt too easy, so I've changed Radulf's stats to the normal array to see how that 'feels'
- I want to develop settlements as part of the game, so I will be using the settlement rules (v0.4) developed by the user Stupatroopa on the Ironsworn discord server (link here), which you really should join!
- I'm using Barry Dickson's excellent Comprehensive Economic System for RPGs 1 as a basis for the economy and actual settlement size - both population and physical area.
- As I've been writing the actual plays, I seem to have started hyphenating a lot; it wasn't planned, but seems to have just evolved that way &, tbh, I kinda like it
Some pages with world info and NPC details:
WorldbookAnd then we have the actual play posts:
Map and Settlements
Ironlands' Notes
Characters Encountered
22 - Sacrifice
21 - The Villain
20 - The Villain's Lair
19 - Finding the Delve
18 - The Haunt
17 - Odvir's Torment
16 - A Rescue
15 - Scouting
14 - A Suspect
13 - An Old Friend
12 - Training
11 - The Lady
10 - Back Home
09 - Woodwatch
08 - A Gift
07 - Vow Forsaken
06 - Awkward ...
05 - A Walk in the Dark
04 - Highfall
03 - Services
02 - Portwater
01 - It Begins ...