Let's start with some housekeeping ... I was going to Advance and get Otaan as the asset Companion Mammoth but I've been thinking a lot about this and have decided not to. Although the idea of using Mammoths as beasts of burden is intriguing and has a certain charm, I think they're just too damn big for it to be practicable. Logic says they'd be used more like elephants - as work beasts - rather than pack animals. Bison would be the choice in this world where there are no horses or cattle. So I'm going to get Ironclad instead.
Advance: spend 3xp for Ironclad asset. He is now 'Lightly Armoured'
As Radulf completed the vow at Highfall, the second stop on his first Charun patrol, we'll mark progress on his vow "I will complete my first patrol as Charun"
Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow , progress now 4/10
Radulf and Otaan left Highfall behind, only 2 more 'passengers' on their sledge, those urns lashed firmly beside those of Portwater. The next stop was the halfway-house at the crossroads, imaginatively dubbed 'Halfway' by the populace which they should reach by mid-afternoon. Firstmeet was too far from Highfall for one day's travel in snow and no-one ever spent a night not behind a wall, hence the building of Halfway, a mini-fort for travellers.
Radulf found Halfway empty of other travellers and after seeing to Otaan's needs, he set about his tasks at. His duty was simple - ensure that the building's shrine was in a proper state of repair, deposit the requisite number of salt-sacks and generally ensure the place was fit to be the refuge that it should be. By the time he was finished, he was bone tired and gratefully collapsed onto his bed to sleep the sleep of the hard-working.
The morning came without incident, so Radulf said his prayers and then, with Otaan, set out for Firstmeet.
Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 6 + 4 vs. 3 & 1 => strong hit => +4 momentum (+2 from strong hit, +2 from Devotant asset) now +6
I had nearly forgotten that when Radulf set out I decided that the patrol would be a troublesome journey - mainly due to the weather, so this seems like a good point for another
Undertake a Journey: +Wits; 1 +3 vs. 9 & 8 => miss => waylaid by a perilous event. Pay the Price; progr. still 3/10
Mark failure track, progress now 0.5/10
No inspiration for interesting price, so will say a blizzard comes on and:
Endure Harm: -1 Health (troubl. journey), now 4; +Iron (same as Health); 1 +4 vs. 7 & 6 => miss => -1 momentum, now +5
Mark failure track, progress now 0.75/10
They had barely left Halfway, when the heavy clouds above them started to unload their snow, falling thickly around them. Having just muttered the fateful words, "Could be worse," to himself, Radulf was, perhaps rightfully, rewarded with the wind beginning to steadily strengthen until the conditions could only be described as a blizzard ...
The bitingly cold wind and heavy snow reduced the visibility until it was very hard to see Otaan beside him even, never mind the road, so Radulf kept a hand on Otaan's harness - if he lost the Mammoth, this blizzard could easily kill him. Fortunately for them both, Otaan had followed this path many times with other Charuns, so he was able to guide them, but Radulf's hands and feet were beginning to numb, despite the thick fur encasing both.
Undertake a Journey: +Wits; 6 +3 vs. 5 & 3 => strong hit => move at speed, -1 supply, now 3, +1 momentum, now +6, mark progress, now 6/10
Despite the conditions, they eventually reached Firstmeet, but it took them much longer than Radulf had planned and he was thankful for Otaan's steadfast presence. He offered a prayer to Cels, the Mother of animals for Otaan's strength and guidance.
Initially, Firstmeet seemed deserted as the gate-guard were sheltering from the blizzard, but jangling the entry-bell drew them out and they rapidly admitted Otaan and Radulf. Before long Otaan was stabled and Radulf was greeting the Council in their hut.
It was unanimously agreed that the conditions allowed the delay of the Charun's duties until the blizzard had passed, something that Radulf was profoundly grateful for, and he retired to the Temple-of-Vanth with the Priestess, Gunnhildr.
Sojourn: +Heart; 2 +3 vs. 6 & 5 => miss, choose Swear an Iron Vow, resolve as strong hit => choose Heal & Resupply
Mark failure track, progress now 1/10
Heal: +Iron; 4 +4 vs. 4 & 3 => strong hit, +3 Health, now 5 (max)
Resupply: +Heart; 2 +3 vs. 4 & 1 => strong hit, +2 supply, now 5 (max)
As a reminder, I'm using recover moves from Starforged
Roll on the settlement trouble oracle: 'Old wounds reopened'
Gunnhildr seemed ... off ... somehow. Granted Radulf did not know her well, but on his previous visits she had seemed friendly enough.
Descriptors for Gunnhildr: Aloof, Discreet, Religious - cool, fits nicely for what I have envisioned ...
The evening passed ... awkwardly was the best way Radulf could describe it and he went to sleep troubled that he could not fathom why ...
The next morning, as the blizzard had blown itself out during the night, he met the Council-of-Five and did his First Duty before the council's hut, sending five Restless to their deserved Eternal Rest. The Second Duty, the supply of salt was then concluded - Firstmeet, being larger that Highfall received ten sacks of salt and they were duly transferred to the village's store. Then, things happened that explained Gunnhidlr's attitude ...
Generate details of the mayor; name Finnr, descriptors: Cynical, Calm, Shy
"Charun," began Mayor Finnr, "We have a duty for you, beyond those you have performed."
Radulf faced the Mayor and bowed his head to receive the duty as tradition demanded.
"We have a dispute between Councillors that must be adjucated," the Mayor said, in his quiet voice. Radulf felt his heart sink - this was the worst of duties. "Gunnhildr, Priestess-of-Vanth, was formerly married to Indridi, First Merchant. "They cannot agree who should own a piece of jewelry. Will you decide to whom it should belong?"
The question was rhetorical - now it had been presented to him as Charun, Radulf had to determine who would own the piece. Gunnhildr, he knew was popular in Templemount; if he decided against her, what would that mean for him? His Duty was to be an impartial judge, but he knew that had not saved other Charuns from the consequences of their decisions ... With nothing else to be said, Radulf nodded and indicated that Gunnhidlr lead him to the Temple-of-Vanth for him to vow his task.
In the temple Gunnhildr's holy sword was waiting for him to swear his vow - "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I will decide if the jewelry belongs to Gunnhidlr or Idridi."
Swear an Iron Vow: +Heart (Bannersworn gives re-roll any dice, if needed) : 4 +3 vs 7 & 1, re-roll 7, get 7 => weak hit => +1 momentum, now +7; troublesome vow