Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Brunvoldt 03 - A Dying Man

Brunvoldt arose the next morning and, after breakfasting with Gunnhildr and Naila, went to Finnr's house. Finnr's wife admitted Brunvoldt and he ascended the ladder to the sleeping area where Finnr was lying in his bed, propped up by pillows, looking like someone about to begin their Final Journey.

  A scene challenge seems the best way to run Brunvoldt's attempt to convince Finnr not to publicly confess. One thing I want to point out is that the actual details of Finnr's misdeed are immaterial to Brunvoldt - he is concerned with the possible impact of a confession, not what he did. That said, let's get into the mechanics
  Begin the Scene: ready to act, Dangerous challenge, four segment clock
  Secure an Advantage: using logic, +Wits; 1 +3 vs. 6 & 3 =&gt weak hit => 
+1 on next move
  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits, +1 from last move; 6 +3 +1 vs. 2 & 2 => strong hit w. match => mark progress twice, now 4/10, clock 0/4

Sitting on a small stool next to the bed, Brunvoldt began his conversation with Finnr. He didn't try to browbeat the dying man as Brunvoldt knew that as soon as he left, Finnr would shake off the intimidation and return to his previous conviction. Instead Brunvoldt pursued the logic - as he saw it anyway - of the situation. For instance, who would benefit from Finnr's confession? Finnr's conscience may be salved, but it would not change the fact of his misdeed. Religiously, Holy Vanth is Guide-to-the-Dead, not judge, so She would Guide Finnr regardless, confession or not. Finnr's afterlife would be what he had earnt through his life's actions - confession would not affect it.

  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits; 1 +3 vs. 6 & 1 => weak hit => mark progress, now 6/10, progress clock, now 1/4

Finnr maintained his belief that he should confess - people should know the truth he believed, but Brunvoldt's steady insistence that the good of the community trumped that, was beginning to bring him around.

  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits; 6 +3 vs. 7 & 1 => strong hit => mark progress, now 8/10, progress clock, now 1/4
  Finish the Scene: progress 8 vs. 8 & 7 => weak hit => succeed, pay the price
  Endure Stress: -1 Spirit, now 4 => choose not to resist

Eventually, Finnr saw the wisdom of the case that Brunvoldt was making and relutantly agreed to take his secret to the grave. After giving his blessing to Finnr, Brunvoldt left the man to his family.

Stepping out into the daylight, Brunvoldt mused to himself. That had been an experience that he never wanted again - arguing with a dying man was something that he never wanted to repeat. As he returned to the temple, Brunvoldt considered what he had done. It had been necessary, but had it been right? Honestly, he would never know, but he could live with that uncertainty, after all, he had to.

In the altar-room of the Temple-of-Vanth, Brunvoldt knelt before the altar and prayed to Vanth, seeking solace in Her presence that he felt in Her temple.

  Hearten: +Heart; 6 +3 vs. 7 & 4 => strong hit => +2 Spirit, now 5 (max)
  Firebrand: Gather fire, +Spirit; 2 +5 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => +3 Fire, now 3

When he had concluded his devotions, Brunvoldt sought out Gunnhildr and told her of his conversation with Finnr and the results. She was very pleased that Brunvoldt had succeded.

  Succeeding at this task allows Brunvoldt to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Gunnhildr, mark progress per rank => troublesome, prog. 9/10
    and then   Forge a Bond: with Gunnhildr, progress 9 vs. 7 & 5 => strong hit => troublesome, 1 tick on Bonds legacy track
  As a bond, Gunnhildr, needs a role. Given that she's prematurely aged and lacking any other inspiration, I've decided that she's a former farmer as that is a hard life, it seems appropriate and who knows? Brunvoldt may need agricultural advice at some point ...

Brunvoldt penned a short note to Lady Sibila reporting, discreetly, that Gunnhildr's 'issue' had been resolved and Naila took it to the rookery where it was dispatched to Templemount.

  Resolving this for Lady Sibila is grounds to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Lady Sibila, mark progress per rank => formidable, prog. 1/10
  Resolving this - i.e. getting it out of the way - is the first step on his vow to Lady Sibila - Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings", progress now 2/10

Brunvoldt felt that now he could discuss the 'real' purpose of his visit to Firstmeet and talked it through with Gunnhildr. She did not really know anything more than Brunvoldt already did - the Giants had not visited Firstmeet for just over a halfyear, prior to which they had visited roughly every three months. She recommended that Brunvoldt talk to the acting Mayor, Torgia, and took him to the council hut where she introduced them.

  Descriptors & goal for First-Merchant Torgia, acting Mayor: Clumsy, Resourceful, Confident; 'Advance status' - so she volunteered to fill the role

  "So what does a Sentinel do then?" ask Torgia, seeming to be genuinely curious. "I must admit, although I'm not familiar with all the positions in the Church, that I've not heard of a Sentinel before."
  "Whatever I can to help the Faith," evaded Brunvoldt. "Today, it is to seek out the Giant tribe that used to visit here and learn why they have stopped coming."
  "That is good news!" exclaimed Torgia. Brunvoldt had known Torgia would be pleased. She was the First-Merchant of Firstmeet and with no Giant visits, trade had suffered accordingly. "Is there anything that you need for your mission? Anything that we can provide is yours, of course."
  "No, I think that I have everything," answered Brunvoldt. "I just came here to let you know that I would be leaving to find the Giants today and to ask if you know where they can be found?"
  "They have always come from the north-west when they visit, is all I can really tell you," said Torgia, "I believe that they had a stopover point about a day from us, but that's an impression not anything they actually said."

So with nothing further to keep him in Firstmeet, Brunvoldt readied his packbison and with Magnus at his heel, he left the village.


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