Monday, 13 June 2022

Radulf 03 - Services

Radulf returned to Portwater without incident, the sledge's sorry burden mercifully hidden from its people by blankets. This time, Radulf led Otaan to the entrance of the Temple-of-Vanth. Once there he solemnly carried the bodies inside for the rites prerequisite to their cremation. Despite his heart tugging at the lamentations he could hear from relatives gathered outside the temple, Radulf forced himself to continue his sorry task impassively.

  Endure Stress: -1 Spirit, now 4:  +Spirit (higher than Heart): 3 +4 vs. 5 & 2 => strong hit => embrace the darkness  => +1 momentum, now +4
Inside the Temple-of-Vanth, Radulf (as Charun) performed the ceremonial duties required of him: straightening the bodies and then washing each of them in turn. As he finished with each corpse, the Priestess-of-Vanth and her acolytes wrapped them in shrouds for their cremation at dusk immediately after the ceremony that allowed the families to farewell them from this world.

The ceremony was ... an experience ... for Radulf. As a devotee of a psychopomp deity, funerals were commonplace services, but this was his first as Charun. The Priestess, Taylah, had warned him before the service in that iron voice of hers: "It is an emotional and spiritual ordeal that you cannot anticipate, or understand, until you have experienced it. If you find yourself struggling, signal me and I will cover for you as this is your first time." Despite her formidable reputation and iron demeanour, Radulf believed that she really was concerned for him and his thanks had been geniune and profound.

  They're having a moment here, so Radulf is going to try and form a connection with Taylah - I'm using the Connection & Recover moves from Starforged, which is why Radulf started with just one bond - with the Church of Vanth
  Make a Connection: +Heart:  4 +3 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => start progress track with Taylah;   I'm setting it as a dangerous track as Taylah won't have a major role (I think!)
All that was expected of Radulf as Charun in the service was to support the Taylah's role as Vanth - as She was by Charun. From Taylah's words, Radulf had expected it to be a test, but to the contrary, he found it spiritually invigorating and a reaffirmation of his faith.
  Hearten: +Heart: 4 +3 vs. 6 & 1 => strong hit => +2 Spirit, now +5 (max)
At the service's conclusion, Taylah lit the holy torch from the brazier in front of the altar and then proceeded out of the temple, followed by the pall-bearers, then Radulf and finally the congregation. In front of the temple, the three pyres had been made and the shrouded corpses were transferred to them. After her final benediction, Taylah set the holy torch to each of the pyres and the pyres roared into the night, consuming the corpses ...

By the time the pyres had burnt down to cinder and ash, only the closest family and the officers of the Church-of-Vanth remained. Now Radulf conducted the final step of the service, collecting ashes from each of the pyres into an urn for him to take for interment in the catacombs below Templemount. Radulf placed the urns in front of the temple's altar where they would stay for the rest of the night, allowing any who wished to say a final goodbye.

  Completing the services is progress for the vow "I will put The Sodden of the Elfreda to rest"
  Reach a Milestone: troublesome, progress now 9/10

The ceremonies of the service completed, there was one final task for Radulf.  Taylah stood before the altar, her holy sword held vertically, point on the ground, both hands on the pommel. Radulf strode to her and knelt, gripping the blade of her sword in his bare right hand.

 "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I have put The Sodden of the Elfreda to rest," he declared in a strong confident voice.

Fulfill Your Vow: troublesome vow "I will put The Sodden of the Elfreda to rest" progr. 9 vs. 8 & 7 => strong hit => 1xp, +1xp from Bannersworn asset, 2 total

Vanth and Charun agreed as Radulf felt the weight of the vow lifted from his shoulders. "Holy Vanth concurs," intoned Taylah as she sheathed the sword.

The holy vow discharged, Taylah and Radulf then withdrew to the private rooms at the rear of the temple. Standing for so long must have aggravated Radulf's wound somehow, for as he sat on a chair in Taylah's study, the pain he experienced caused him to yelp in surprise.

  "What is it? asked Taylah.
  "Nothing," replied Radulf, "Just a scratch from The Sodden."
  "Best let me take a look," chided Taylah. "Scratches from The Restless must be cleaned, else infection might begin."

Suitably admonished, Radulf stood and turned, allowing Taylah access to the wound. Uncovering it, Taylah tutted to herself as she saw the bandages that Radulf had applied - blood had begun to seep through

  Heal: +Iron: 4 +3 vs. 7 & 2 => strong hit => +3 Health, now +5 (max); note I'm using the Starforged recover moves, hence the +3 not +2 as per Ironsworn Heal
Taylah removed the bandages and cleaned the wound with alcohol. Then retrieving a jar from a chest, she applied an oil to the wound.

  "This is simply a vegetable oil with dried Marigold flowers added. They will soothe your wound and prevent any infection," Taylah told Radulf.
  "Thank-you," he replied simply.

She re-dressed the wound and Radulf sat again, with no pain this time. "Thank-you again, Ser Taylah," using Taylah's title in a formal expression of his appreciation. They talked late into the night, Radulf believing that they had both come to know each other better.

  Develop Your Relationship: Mark progress per rank => dangerous, prog. 2/10
  This is a
Connection move from Starforged
Next morning, Radulf made his prayers at the altar ...
  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 1 +4 vs. 6 & 4 - weak hit =>  3 momentum (+1 from wk hit, +2 from Devotant asset) now +7
... then made his farewells and left Portwater with Otaan. Along with the three urns of the crew of Eflreda there were half-a-dozen others to be returned to Templemount and all were now lashed to Otaan's sledge atop the sacks of salt.
  Completing his tasks at Portwater is progress on Radulf's vow "I will complete my first patrol as Charun"
  Reach a Milestone: dangerous, progress now 2/10