Saturday, 18 June 2022

Radulf 05 - A Walk in the Dark

  Okay ... I'm equating a Hyena with a Wolf from the Ironsworn rulebook, so two of them and the Varou makes 3 dangerous foes - a formidable pack.
  I've set this up as Radulf's fights so far - admittedly against troublesome Sodden, seemed ... 'easy' - hence this formidable fight - that and the 'unearth a dire threat' on the missed Gather Info last post. Formidable isn't particularly 'dire' perhaps, but it is 'only' a troublesome vow.
  Enter the Fray: +Heart (facing-off); 5 +3 vs. 10 & 5 => weak hit => take initiative

Radulf dropped his torch and advanced on the Varou, readying his Greathammer for a bone-shattering swing.

  Strike: +Iron; 1 +4 vs. 6 & 5 => miss => burn momentum, now 2 => strong hit, keep initiative, +1 harm, 3 total harm; progress now 3/10

The Varou was almost too fast though - almost but not quite. Instead of a skull-shattering hit, Radulf's blow smashed it on the shoulder, causing it to yelp in pain and dance away, it's arm hanging useless at it's side. As Radulf tried to close with it, the Varou kept the distance between them while yapping at the Hyenas. Obviously summoned to the fight, they left the tree and surged toward Radulf.

  Strike: +Iron; 1 +4 vs. 7 & 1 => weak hit, lose initiative, 2 total harm; progress 5/10

As Radulf advanced on the Varou, the Hyenas spread out to flank him, but thanks to Dag's warning, Radulf was watching for just that to happen. As they came in, Radulf stepped back and swung at the one on his right, hitting it in the hindquarters and feeling the bone shatter all the way through the handle of his Greathammer. But he was on the back-foot now - how would they come at him?

  Clash: +Iron; 3 +4 vs. 5 & 4 => strong hit, take initiative, +1 harm, 3 total harm; progress now 8/10
  End the Fight: progr 8 vs. 9 & 7 => weak hit => foe is no longer in the fight, others won’t forget, you are marked for vengeance
  We'll be seeing that Varou again ... progress for defeating the Varou & Hyenas; Reach a Milestone: troublesome vow "I will return Sven and Gunter to Turid", prog. 6/10

Stupidly, was the answer. The first Hyena, its back legs useless was out of the fight, trying to drag itself away; the Varou was running for its life along the trail toward the north, but the last, as yet unharmed Hyena seemed to be enraged. Perhaps the crippled one was its mate? Regardless, it simply launched itself straight for Radulf's throat. Its final mistake. Charun guided Radulf's swing, for he caught its skull with a perfectly timed overhead swing and the creature was dead as soon as it was struck.

  Well, let's just say I'm not as confident now! It took me a minute to consider burning momentum on that missed Strike, so I was looking at losing 3 health, without having done anything ... that really burst my bubble, I can tell you. And the cunning plan hatched with Dag should have reduced the level of the encounter; he was supposed to be sniping from the trees. Oops.

One more swing and the crippled Hyena joined its companion in death. With the Varou out of sight, Radulf turned his attention to the tree - he could see Dag at its base taking an obviously injured Sven from Gunter who was in the tree's branches. Radulf recovered the torch and then joined Dag as Gunter dropped from the tree.

  "That bastard Varou has crippled my boy!" lamented Gunter, "It hamstrung Sven and left him as bait. Artemis only knows how I got us both up this tree before its curs got us!"
  "Let's look at you both and then talk as we walk," suggested Dag, "That verminous Varou may come back with friends ..."

Gunter look apprehensively the way the Varou had disappeared and quickly nodded his assent but Dag was already checking the unconscious Sven. He had been hamstrung - the tendons on the back of his knee had been slashed by the Varou's wicked knife and he would need a stick to walk for the rest of his life ... Gunter was not unharmed either - one of the Hyenas had obviously bitten his forearm, something Gunter had not realised until Dag asked to look at it.

Their wounds dressed, Dag took Sven despite Gunter's attempts to carry Sven himself - now the threat was gone Gunter seemed close to collapsing from exhaustion - and the group started back to Highfall, Radulf at the rear with the torch, frequently glancing over his shoulder.

  At this point it occurred to me that I've not yet described Radulf's appearance - very much an oversight. I've added it to post 1 where it should be, and here it is to save you having to go back and find it there:
   "Radulf's long strides made rapid progress on their journey. A tall, heavily built, fair-skinned man, his cropped red hair was hidden by the hood of the brown bearskin coat he wore - a virtue of his rank in the Church-of-Vanth. The snow quickly melted on his uncovered full beard as it was not cold enough to fasten the flap across his face -yet. His mail hauberk was covered by the coat and the Greathammer that marked him as Charun was atop his backpack, held in place by leather straps, but ready for a quick draw if needs demanded. His other weapons were also in easy reach - a dagger in his fur-lined boot and a sling with a pouch of stones on his belt."

There was no sign of pursuit, though, and they reached Highfall soon enough. Morgan was atop the wall watching for them, so the gates were already open when they got to them. They went straight to the hut of the Council-of-Five where the council, Turid and a roaring fire awaited. Highfall was home to Shashkya - the best apothecary in the region - and she was summoned to see to Sven and Gunter. Radulf was very pleased to be able to see the family's reunion, but despite Turid's ptoestations, he would take no credit for the return of her family, saying it had all been due to Dag's abilities - Radulf had been merely the instrument of Charun.

  I'm going to use this feel-good moment to try and (with the hamlet of Highfall)
  Make a Connection: +Heart: 5 +3 vs. 6 & 3 => strong hit => start progress track as troublesome - Highfall will play a small (but relevant) part going forwards, especially with the Varou ...
  Also this is progress on the vow "I will return Sven and Gunter to Turid"
  Reach a Milestone: troublesome vow , progress now 9/10

His Duty completed, Radulf and Amara withdrew to the Temple-of-Vanth. Amara drew her Holy Sword standing before the altar. She touched the point to the ground and placed both hands on the pommel. Radulf knelt, gripping the blade of her sword in his bare right hand.

 "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I have returned Sven and Gunter to Turid," he said in confidently and awaited the judgment of his Goddess.

  Note: I envision that if Radulf were to get a weak hit on fulfilling a vow, the holy sword would cut him, indication that Vanth and/or Charun do not agree the vow is completed satisfactorily; a miss would be something spectacular - perhaps he would be thrown backwards?
  Fulfill Your Vow: troublesome vow "I will return Sven and Gunter to Turid", progr. 9 vs. 7 & 2 => strong hit => 1xp, +1xp from Bannersworn asset, 2 total

Radulf felt the weight of the vow lift from him; "Holy Vanth concurs," declared Amara, sheathing the holy sword.