Monday, 20 June 2022

Radulf 08 - A Gift

The service to farewell Idridi was poorly attended and those who did attend projected the air that they'd rather be somewhere else. Credit was due to Gunnhildr, though, her duty was well done, despite her loathing of the man.

Despite the absence of true feeling in the temple, Radulf did his best to find solace in the familiar service.

  Hearten: +Heart; 2 +3 vs. 2 & 2 => strong hit + opportunity => +2 spirit, now 5 (max) & I have an idea how to use the opportunity ...

After the service for, and the cremation of, Idridi, Gunnhildr walked beside Radulf as he carried the urn into the temple.

  "I do need to apologise to you for my conduct earlier," she began and held up a hand to forestall Radulf as he began to protest. "No, I must. I vented my anger upon someone who did not deserve it - I should not have done so and you must accept my apology."
  "Very well Priestess," Radulf replied, "As you insist, I accept your apology, although I do not think it necessary." He put the urn down and turned to face Gunnhildr as she obviously had more to say.
  "Furthermore, I want you to have this," and from her beltpouch, Gunnhildr pulled out the silver necklace that had been the focus of her dispute with Idridi. "After all that has happened, I want nothing further to do with this," and she held it out for Radulf to take.

Radulf stared at the necklace for a moment. He knew nothing about such things and had no need or desire for them, but then Charun gifted him with inspiration. "Priestess, I have no need for such things." Now it was his turn to forestall a protest, "But if you could send it to someone much more deserving and in need of such a thing, that would make me happy indeed?"

Gunnhildr indicated that Radulf should continue. "In Highfall there was a boy named Sven crippled by the Varou, despite my efforts on his behalf. If you could send this gift to his mother Turid in the name of the Charun and our holy church, it would help them meet the costs of his recovery and ease the troubles his injury will give them in the future."

Gunnhildr beamed. "Thank you," she quickly looked around to confirm that no-one was nearby and whispered "Radulf." She continued in a normal tone, "That will be a blessed act and will remove the ill-luck that has cursed this bauble. I can see that your charitable nature will serve your future in our church well."

  So I'm using the opportunity from above for two things ...
  Develop Your Relationship: Highfall, northern hamlet, troublesome, mark 3 progress, now 3/10
  Make a Connection: +Heart; 3 +2 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => Gunnhildr, Priestess-of-Vanth in Firstmeet, troublesome, progress 0/10

Radulf and Gunnhildr spent an enjoyable evening over a nice bottle of wine provided by Gunnhildr. They talked about everything and nothing, but the next morning Radulf was sure that, at some point, they had talked about Radulf's ambitions, but he could not remember the details ... had he said too much? Something he should not have? If only he could remember ...

  Develop Your Relationship: Gunnhildr, Priestess-of-Vanth in Firstmeet, troublesome, mark 3 progress, now 3/10

Dismissing the question from his mind, Radulf said his morning prayers.

  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 6 +4 vs. 10 & 7 => weak hit => +3 momentum (+1 from weak hit, +2 from Devotant asset), now +8

Idridi's, and three other urns, were firmly lashed to Otaan's sledge and Radulf followed the huge Mammoth out of Firstmeet. Radulf had hoped that he could have seen Giants at the village conducting a last trade before winter really bit, but it was not meant to be. Pulling his coat a little tighter, Radulf jogged a few steps to walk at Otaan's shoulder. He knew the Mammoth preferred his company to be where he could see them and the last thing anyone should ever do is upset a Mammoth ...

  As Radulf has finished at Firstmeet, the third stop on his first Charun patrol, more progress on his vow "I will complete my first patrol as Charun"
  Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow , progress now 6/10

Today's schedule was a return trip to Halfway, where they would again spend the night as Woodwatch was too far to reach today.

  Ask the Oracle: Is there anyone at Halfway? unlikely => No

Once more there was no-one at Halfway and Radulf soon had the oustanding tasks completed, allowing him another evening's relaxation - two in a row was an unusual occurrence which he tried to enjoy, but really couldn't. Since he had been left at the Temple-of-Vanth in Templemount by parents he had never known, he had always been busy. Busy training, busy learning, always busy. Enforced idleness was unknown to him and in the end, he went to bed early and simply stared at the ceiling until sleep engulfed him ...

The next morning, after he had prayed at the small shrine inside Halfway, Radulf again set off with Otaan into the morning's fall of snow. This morning though, he decided to wear his brigandine over his mail - he needed to become used to wearing the heavier armour and walking in the snow would be good for that. Plus, he felt guilty for the last evening's idleness and felt he should work harder to make up for it.

  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 3 +4 vs. 3 & 1 => strong hit => +4 momentum (+2 from strong hit, +2 from Devotant asset), now +10 (max)
  Per the
Ironclad asset, Radulf is now Geared for War and has the Encumbered debility so his max momentum is 9 and reset value 1

Radulf was getting bored of this now ... the excitement of his first solo Charun patrol had worn off. Witnessing Idridi die and the guilt from forsaking his vow had done that. Now he just wanted it to be over and it soon would be - he was entering the village of Woodwatch, his last Duty stop.