This page lists all the named characters introduced in Radulf's adventures. I've listed them by their home settlement for Humans, species for others and there is a section for those that have died
Where generated, the descriptors and goal (goal will be in 'quotes') are shown followed by a physical description. If they are a connection, the rank and progress are shown too.
- First-Priestess-of-Vanth Lady Sibila; Regal, Calm, Powerful; beautiful, elegant, wise
- Temple-Houndmaster Gunnvor; Reserved, Intelligent, Humble; 'Discover the truth of their past'; dark-skinned, average height, curly white hair and beard, wiry strength;
- Mayor Verena
- Chief-of-Crafts Erin
- Priestess-of-Vanth Ser Taylah; Connected, Stern, Insightful; a tall, dark-skinned and thickset woman she runs Portwater's Temple-of-Vanth with an iron rule
connection progress 2/10 (dangerous) - First-Merchant Toran
- Warden-Captain Selva; Generous, Loyal, Forgiving; an ugly, red-haired woman made pleasant by her wide, generous, smile; she is much-beloved by her Wardens and all of Portwater
connection with hamlet, progress 3/10 (troublesome)- Mayor Jelma
- Chief-of-Crafts Masias
- Priestess-of-Vanth Amara
- First-Merchant Yuda
- Warden-Captain Morgan
- Dag, Hunter/Tracker; Competent, Small, Oily; seems arrogant, but is as good as he believes he is; hates Varou & their Hyenas
- Shashkya, Best apothecary in the region
- Mayor Finnr, Cynical, Calm, Shy; an unremarkable man, quiet-voiced
- Priestess-of-Vanth Gunnhildr; Aloof, Discreet, Religious; short, stout, prematurely aged, former spouse of Indridi
connection progress 3/10 (troublesome)
connection with village, progress 6/10 (troublesome)- Mayor Birgitta; Warm-hearted, Organised, Gregarious; overweight goodwife
- Chief-of-Crafts Hemingr, wheelwright; Vindictive, Blunt, Tactless
- First-Merchant Piritta, carter; Intelligent, Pro-active, Fixated
- Warden-Captain Erik;
Cold-hearted, Sad,Reserved, Compassionate, Energetic; blond, long drooping moustache, grizzled - Odvir, carter. son of Warden-Captain Erik; Sympathetic, Erratic, Trustworthy; wooden leg below left knee; loved by Sigrid
- Sigrid, temple acolyte; Rational, Pious, Easily Impressed; 'Solve ancient mystery'; loved by Odvir
- The Cripple; a Varou whose left shoulder was shattered by Radulf outside Highfall, now its left arm hangs "at its side like a dead branch on a tree"
Deceased Characters
- Priestess-of-Vanth Lili; Doomed, Amicable, Romantic; young, thin, brunette, beautiful
connection progress 4/10 (formidable); assets: Communion, Lightbearer, Ward
Sacrificed herself at the end of Post 22 - Sacrifice - Firstmeet, First-Merchant Idridi, charcoal maker; Arrogant, Abrupt, Vicious; former spouse of Gunnhildr
Killed by Restless in Post 07 - Vow Forsaken