The more I look at posts, etc, on Salute, the more I realise I didn't see! I completely missed the 28mm Corunna game, Scarlet Thunder and lots of others :( must do better next year ...
Anyway, more about me and what I bought! (None of the following piccies were taken by me, I've poached them from the worldwide-interweb)

Next up is '7TV' by Crooked Dice. I purchased this on the basis of Brummie's raving post when he got it, and the several other posts he's made about it over the past several months - so it's all his fault, and if I don't like it, I'll be invoicing him! Actually, that's not entirely true... not even partially, tbh! A guy played a game at my local club and he raved about it as well, so it's on both of them! At the show Crooked Dice were doing an offer of rulebook, dice, cards and tokens for £40, so I got that, hence the multiple images to the left. Not read the book yet, but flicked through and first impression is good!
Finally, a set of zombie gaming rules that I saw while browsing Alternative Armies' sister site Started looking through this small (A6 I think) book and not very impressed so far :( My over-riding impression of the first dozen-or-so pages is that a lot of text keeps telling you what you can do with the rules and not much tells you how to do it!
Once I've read them, I'll post a review.
Next post will be about the Victorian Spaceships I got