Thursday, 19 April 2012

Salute 2012

This saturday is the Salute convention and, as usual, I've been busy lining up lots of new toys as pre-orders. This year I am getting from:
That's "all" that I've pre-ordered (that I can remember or find emails about anyway!) and has only 1 new project - the Iron Stars stuff. My intent for Strange Aeons is to sue them with my 28mm VSF stuff, sot that doesn't count!

Other stuff I intend to pick up is a box of Wargames Factory saxon fyrd to use as levy in SAGA (Wayland Games seems the cheapest for that) and a couple of paints.

It would be a strange convention though, if I don't have an attack of Ooh-shiny!-itis and come home without something that I had no intention of getting ...

I've seen TAL's Salute post, so I'll endeavour to either say hello or hurl debris from a suitable concealed location! Unfortunately I have no snazzy T-Shirt as TAL does so will remain incognito this time.  I do like TAL's shirt though so will probably rip the idea shamelessly for conventions later in the year.

If you are going to Salute - enjoy!

PS - As I suggested in a comment on this post by Vampifan-the-Great, next time I post it'll be with better images of the Dave's Games buildings that are on my Card Buildings page)