- Alternative Armies; a couple of sci-fi figures to round out the force in this post, a Cycoplean Warrior to use as a baddie agains my 40mm Greeks and frok their sister site (www.15mm.co.uk) Zombie Dawn a set of zed rules I'm wanting to try out
- Baccus, more War of Spanish Succession Horse, Foot and Guns; Marian Roman Legionaries; Greek Hoplites and Colonial British Lancers.
- Black Hat miniatures a copy of Strange Aeons due to Shelldrake the Splendid's review which I saw on 1st September last year and I've been meaning to get a copy since - I didn't realise that was 7 months ago now!!
- Brigade Models; their Iron Stars spaceships and some bug spaceships to fight. I've had teh Iron Stars rules for ages and finally decided to use them
- eM4 miniatures; bases, countes and dice (by far the cheapest prices for dice I've found)
- Essex miniatures I emailed to get some dark ages mini's but have had no reply yet :(
- Old Glory a pack of Romanoff miniatures hoplites and cavalry to try and make some 40mm centaurs from, so I'm intending to get some 'green stuff' as well if I can
- S&A Scenics are the agents for Lancashire Games at Salute who I've ordered a bunch of LMGs etc to fill out the sections I got at WMMS
- Skytrex, I'm getting a couple more Grants to complete a troop for IABSM Burma games
That's "all" that I've pre-ordered (that I can remember or find emails about anyway!) and has only 1 new project - the Iron Stars stuff. My intent for Strange Aeons is to sue them with my 28mm VSF stuff, sot that doesn't count!
Other stuff I intend to pick up is a box of Wargames Factory saxon fyrd to use as levy in SAGA (Wayland Games seems the cheapest for that) and a couple of paints.
It would be a strange convention though, if I don't have an attack of Ooh-shiny!-itis and come home without something that I had no intention of getting ...
I've seen TAL's Salute post, so I'll endeavour to either say hello or hurl debris from a suitable concealed location! Unfortunately I have no snazzy T-Shirt as TAL does so will remain incognito this time. I do like TAL's shirt though so will probably rip the idea shamelessly for conventions later in the year.
If you are going to Salute - enjoy!
PS - As I suggested in a comment on this post by Vampifan-the-Great, next time I post it'll be with better images of the Dave's Games buildings that are on my Card Buildings page)