"Good question!" I thought, and decided to do a post listing what I'm intending to build ...
So here it is:
- Stoelzel Structure's Food Market - this is nearly completed as I started it when my frustration at my bodging of the Federal House got too much for me to continue
- Furnishings for my clinic version of Stoelzel's Hospital - see this post for the build: stoelzels-structures-hospital
- Stoelzel Structure's M.U.C.K - got 3 buildings from this on foamcore. I need to cut out windows and assemble them
- Stoelzel Structure's Local Pub - have the externals on foamcore
- Stoelzel Structure's Public Library - going to make this as a town hall (with a library on the ground floor)
- Stoelzel's Structures Raised Ranch - I'm going to change this as well; I'm hoping that putting a single garage door on the front and using a brick skin will make it look like a house type that is quite common in England - we shall see!
- Finger and Toe Multi-Storey Warehouse
- Finger and Toe Factory
- Ebbles Minatures Medium Folding Unit Structure
- Ebbles Minatures Small Folding Unit Structure x2
- Ebbles Minatures Convoy (3 trucks)
- Ebbles Miniatures M11 x2
And I also have a bunch of models to make for a spaceport from Ebbles Minatures too.
On top of that lot, I've got a few Dave's Games models to build
I'd also like to have a go at one of the models I got from the Illinois Main Street webpage that Zabadak found ...
And finally - that I'm prepared to admit anyway! - there is a secret Stoelzel's build that relates to Door Number 2 in the Clinic ...
So, as you can see, the 'Collins & Nash' architectural firm is going to be shoulder deep in foamcore/cardstock for several years at least ... A positive note, though, is that Zombie-Me has agreed to become the regular guide to builds following the unexplained, mysterious disappearance of Van Fampi ...