Thursday, 29 November 2012

still around ...

Well, have been very busy of late, none of it hobby related unfortunately - what with trying to get the new home sorted and being very busy at work, I've had no time to indulge my hobbies at all :(

So I thought I should write a quick post to let you all know that I am still here, but lurking rather than posting.

That said, I did finally start reading Empire of the Dead today and although only having read the first 30 pages (out of 140+ in the book), so far I'm liking it a lot! 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


I  made it along to Warfare on Sunday (just gone) lunchtime with my new friend and had a stroll round the various stands.

I bought far less toys than I would normally have, but as I said in my last post, I am attempting to de-clutter somewhat; so what did I get?

Well, I succumbed to the 10% off offer and bought a copy of 'Empire of the Dead' and the Hansom Cab from Figures in Comfort, who are West Wind's show agents.

Then, as I was leaving, I saw a copy of 'Leviathans' by Catalyst Games, reduced from £70 to £50 and folded on that as well!  I like games involving flying ships as anyone who visits here regularly will know. Although the game includes miniatures, I'll probably use my aeronef models for it.

All in all, I had a great time at the show, but have yet to resume any hobby related stuff in my new place ...

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Still here, but offline at home ...

Well, I survived the move and am settling in nicely to my new home. However, my new cave is not ready for activity yet :(  The desk I now have - instead of the dining table - is covered in homeless items so is unusable and my PC is not set up yet.

I still have a bunch of stuff to get from the storage unit and then find homes for it all ...

However, I have been leant a book by a very nice new neighbour called (IIRC) "Feng Shui and the Art of Clutter Removal". Managing to read past the beginning "aren't I wonderful" and 'energy-lines' parts, I've managed to take on board its main theme, and will be cleaning out a bunch of stuff clutter that I've accumulated for creating models that I doubt I'll ever make.

So, sometime soon (before xmas I hope!), I'll be giving away the diecast vehicles I've accumulated (as I promised in this post: ebbles-card-vehicles ) and I suspect they will be joined by some other gaming stuff.

Stay tuned for details.