Back in this post - zombie-blog-mdf-boards-and-cardboard - I mentioned that I'd bought some 3mm MDF boards to stick terrain to.
Originally, I'd printed pieces out and stuck the paper directly to the board, but as I said in that post, they'd warped ...
So I tried gluing 2mm mounting board to the 3mm MDF, but despite leaving them compressed under weights for about 4 days, by the time I'd stuck the terrain prints to the card, the boards had again warped to an unacceptable degree.
So they are now stacked in 2s and serving as my newest shelves. Moral of this is getter thicker than 3mm next time!
Obviously, your mileage may vary!
So, having given up on them, I've created a car park from Stoelzel's Structures' Undeveloped Real Estate by gluing it direct to foamboard, along with a new building created from the Stoelzels' MUCK.
Pictures will appear of these in my next post