Friday, 1 February 2013

Zombie Blog, MDF Boards and Cardboard Vehicles

As you might have guessed from this post's title, I've got a few things to post about today ...

First is a zombie blog that I've just discovered as its author has joined the rather friendly forum - Board of the Living Lead, which I heartily recommend to all.

The first post of this blog / journal is at this link and I, for one, will be following it and trying to catch up!

Second. With the release of Stoelzel's Structures' Undeveloped Real Estate, I decided to use the roads in that pack to create some terrain boards.  So I surfed the net for a while looking for some thin MDF to use as the base.  I found Hobarts Lasers 3mm MDF and ordered a 15 of the 300x600 sheets to begin with. I had been planning to glue some of the 2mm mounting board that I use for buildings to the MDF to give it some texture, but when it arrived I decided to try just gluing the prints straight to the board.

Unfortunately, this was a mistook, as the boards warped :( . So now I've tried the card on the board and have left them under a weight to allow the glue to set with the boards compressed flat. I haven't removed the weights since Wednesday night and will check them tomorrow probably, so fingers crossed!

And finally, number 3. The card vehicles I've been making. All but one, IIRC, are from the Stoelzel's Structures' Auto Park Playset, the RV is from Stoelzel's Structures' Trailer Town Playset.

I had intended to take some decent photos of them last night, but time got away from me, so grabbed some quick photos this morning on the way out. So, here they are.

First up is a group shot, with (from left to right) the sedan, the not-ghostbuster hearse (?), station wagon estate, SUV, RV and luton van (not finished yet)

Next is a closer shot of the Sedan, with Zed-Me for size indication

A slightly blurry pic next

And finally, the rather big RV

It's been a trial of my patience putting these together, and I'll go into what I did in more detail in a future post