Tuesday, 26 April 2016

A New Start ...

I did write a blog previously, but after almost a year of not posting decided to give that up and start afresh.

I have recently started going to the Wessex Wargamers Winchester club and, as a result, have one completely new project and made progress on another two that I had recently begun, so I have decided to start this new blog to record my progress on those projects and the others that are languishing without attention.

I've added a page dubbed 'Current Projects' which I will update as new projects are added, and maybe one day I'll add a page 'Completed Projects', if any are ever actually finished ...

A large part of the inspiration for this new blog is Jim's Wargames Workbench, an excellent blog by one of the club's members and I intend to shamelessly steal Jim's excellent idea of numbered blog posts for each project.

The first proper project post should be up soon, once I have some pictures for it.