Thursday, 28 April 2016

How To - Sabot Base

Since starting going to Winchester wargames club, I've started a  new project - a force of White Russians for the Contemptible Little Armies rules from the Back of Beyond army lists.

Whilst at the club on Tuesday watching Jim's game against Andy, I was telling them about the White Russian command group and the sabot base I had created for it. I'm not sure I explained it very well, so I promised Jim that I'd do a post - with pic's - expanding on what I had been trying to explain. Here it is.

For my command group I'd got Pulp Figures' pack PHP 17 - Count Casamir's Trans-Siberian Renegades from North Star. As I also have the Pulp Alley rules I didn't want to create a permanent command group. I already had the bits I needed to create a sabot base for the group:
In the pic you can see 3 'Single Figure Circular Tray - (2mm Top Layer Only)' with a 2p piece in the centre one, demonstrating its fit, along with a 65mm diameter circular base, all of which I got from Warbases.

On the 'Single Figure Circular Tray - (2mm Top Layer Only)' page there are 3 dropdown menus that you have to select from- I chose: circular shape, 30mm diameter tray & 2p slot size.

A 65mm diameter base for the top layers is really the smallest you can get away with for 3 figures, as this pic shows:
I glued the 'top layers' to the base with ordinary PVA and once dry used polyfilla to disguise the step from the base to the top of the ring and painted it all with a sand colour:
I haven't got any further with the base as yet - I'm going to add some sand & a couple of tufts, etc, as you would with any other base

Here is the group itself in the sabot base

Hope this explains it somewhat better Jim!