Friday, 20 January 2012

IE problems ...

Something seems to have changed with blogger ... I use IE7 and can't seem to scroll on blogs anymore ... ???  I can open a blog from my dashboard, but then it locks and I can't scroll down the post !!

Very odd ... anyway, as you might have guessed, no game last weekend, so no report.  It is scheduled for tonight though, as a head-to-head game using either Flames of War or I ain't Been Shot Mum - I just couldn't seem to get myself to read Nuts! and War Against Japan - no enthusiasm at all :(

So hopefully, a more substantial post some time afte the weekend as I have my daughter for the weekend, which is a GOOD thing!

By the way,Shelldrake sent me the Peter Pig Japanese he had - what a gentleman! - with some genuine aussie bush for me to use too! Photos when I've made something of them