Way back in this post :- how-i-base-my-figures, I described the process I have been using for years to base my wargaming miniatures for years.
As you can tell from that post, I've used DAS modelling clay, but have frequently read of other gamers' use of 'Terion' and other fillers, although I've not seen 'Polyfilla' referred to for some reason ... So when I was in one of the local 'cheap' shops a couple of weekends ago and saw a ready mixed pot for £1, I thought I'd get some and give it a go.
Well, I have to say that I'm very glad I did! It is much easier and quicker to use than the clay has ever been and I shall be using it from now on! I use an old knife to apply it in a 'trowel-like' fashion and have so far had excellent results with it.
For the spaceships I'm currently constructing, the adhesive qualities of the filler have proved a great boon. With the clay, I had to glue the multiple bases and washers (that I use to add weight to the base for stability) together and wait for them to dry. With the filler, I'm using a thin 'spread' between each 'layer' and that sticks them together superbly!
I've got no pics of it in use at present, although this pic (that I posted in my missing-pic-and-progress post) does show that the horse has filler on its base:
So I guess, if enough people tell you that their method is good - it's worth trying it yourself to see!
(Regarding the spacehsips, I spent last evening drilling them for the bases I'm making for them and hope to start gluing them together tonight. I'm even going to try a bit of soldering on one base! Hopefully I'll get some pics and post them soon.)