In the descriptions below, IHMN figure types from the Scotland Yard list are in bold, as are extra equipment that the figure may have and game values not on the list. All the figures except for Frannie are from Ironclad Miniatures.
So, first up is the company's leader their Consulting Detective, the Countess Adler, more commonly called Lady Eileen, who is pictured to the right. As you can see, she is holding a bouquet of her favourite Martian Orchids. These sweet smelling flowers have an uncanny knack of clearing noxious vapours very rapidly and are as effective as a breath preserver. Her female intuition (intuitive) has been of great benefit to her and HMMC more than once.
Points: 50 = 43 [Consulting Detective] + 2 [breath preserver] + 5 [intuitive]
To the left is Lady Eileen's plucky young maid - Frannie, an orphan from the mean streets of New York (tough). She is very plucky (4+), a superb shot with her pistol (SV +3), but not terribly good in a fight (FV +0), much preferring to use her natural speed (Speed +2) to run away, although the protected clothing (brigandine) supplied by her mistress has saved her from harm more than once.
Points: 20 = 4 [Pluck 4+] + 4 [SV +3] + 5 [tough] + 2 [speed +2] + 3 [pistol] + 2 [brigandine]
Next is Lady Eileen's ... assistant perhaps is the best word ... Mr Sheldon Cooper-Holmes. A veritable encyclopaedia of knowledge, he is lacking in social skills, and although on Mars he aspires to be a consulting detective, in London he would almost certainly be a Chief Inspector. Although he lacks leadership ability, the strange way that his mind works does make him impervious to the mystical powers his company has occasionally faced. Although Mr Cooper-Holmes believes that he has a most erudite wit, he doesn't ... not at all ... in no shape or form ...
Points: 30 = 31 [Chief Inspector] -6 [remove Leadership +2] + 5 [impervious]
The Good Doctor - Dr Leonard Hofstadter-Watson is Mr Cooper-Holmes' great friend and colleague and is hopelessly enamoured with Lady Eileen. No more of a leader than his friend Dr Hofstadter-Watson is constantly mistaken for a medical doctor when he is, in fact, a doctor of engineering - Frannie has suggested that, perhaps, he shouldn't carry his tools in a doctor's bag, but he has yet to listen to this sage advice ...
Points: 24 = 27 [Good Doctor] -3 [remove Leadership +1] -5 [remove medic] + 5 [engineer]
Inspector Corbitt was a Sergeant during the years that he spent at the Metropolitan Police with his good friend Barker and although an 'inspector' in HMMC, he remains a Sergeant at heart, readily deferring to those he sees as his betters (mainly Lady Eileen, occasionally 'Dr HW' and (rarely) Mr 'CH').
Points: 18 = 18 [sergeant] Sergeant Barker served in the 'Met' with Corbitt as a constable, and, like Corbitt, although of higher rank in HMMC he remains a Constable at heart. His many years on the beat have given him a wide knowledge of first aid techniques though (medic)
Points: 16 = 11 [constable] + 5 [medic]
The Constables of HMMC are equipped as their Scotland Yard brethren are, although they do regularly carry carbines. Also, due to the relative paucity of street lighting in Martian cities, they are issued Carbide Lamps for night shifts
Points: 11 = 11 [constable]. Equipment options as Scotland Yard, plus can carry carbide lamp at +3 points
So there it is! opinions requested!