Monday, 3 June 2013

Brigade Models' 2mm Middle Eastern Village

I'm not entirely sure that I've mentioned on this blog that one of my (many!) ongoing projects is 2mm VSF using the wonderful Aeronef and Land Ironclad figures from Brigade Models and infantry figures from Irregular Miniatures' 2mm range.  Anyway, to go with these, I got Brigade's 2mm Middle Eastern Village at salute and finished painting them last week:
Not that they took much painting really ...  After gluing them to coffee stirrers, I sprayed them with Halfords' matt grey primer as undercoat then covered them with Coffee, White or Unbleached Linen paints. Then I picked out the windows and doors with black before using medium tone magic dip. I'm not entirely sure how I'll base them for gaming yet, but I am pleased with how they've come out.
(Note: the tower at the right end of the back stirrer will be attached to the building at the right end of the front stirrer to form a mosque.)

In other news:
  • DIY disaster over the weekend; discovered that what I thought was the water mains stopcock actually wasn't when I cut through the water-pipe ...
  • Martian conversions are ready for undercoating (well nearly anyway)
  • Irregular Mini's 42mm amazon figures leave a lot to be desired in their face scuplts ... :(
  • I intend to be at Broadside next weekend; if I make it, I'll wear my t-shirt with my blog address on the back, so please say hello if you see me!