Not that they took much painting really ... After gluing them to coffee stirrers, I sprayed them with Halfords' matt grey primer as undercoat then covered them with Coffee, White or Unbleached Linen paints. Then I picked out the windows and doors with black before using medium tone magic dip. I'm not entirely sure how I'll base them for gaming yet, but I am pleased with how they've come out.
(Note: the tower at the right end of the back stirrer will be attached to the building at the right end of the front stirrer to form a mosque.)
In other news:
- DIY disaster over the weekend; discovered that what I thought was the water mains stopcock actually wasn't when I cut through the water-pipe ...
- Martian conversions are ready for undercoating (well nearly anyway)
- Irregular Mini's 42mm amazon figures leave a lot to be desired in their face scuplts ... :(
- I intend to be at Broadside next weekend; if I make it, I'll wear my t-shirt with my blog address on the back, so please say hello if you see me!