I've added a page to the blog that will ist the IHMN companies I create (link is on the right side at the top) and has some ideas for future companies
I also wanted to say "Get well soon!" to Vampifan, author of the superb and highly inspirational Vampifan's World Of The Undead who is currently in hospital.
Unfortunately, I didn't make it to Broadside yesterday, the show organised by Clint over at Anything But A One yesterday ... couldn't afford the money for the new toys plus petrol cost :( next sunday (16th June) is my local club's (Farnborough Wargames Society) show Valhalla 2013, so I will be there.
Hopefully I'll have something a bit more substantive next time.
In other news:
- Finally started on decorating my daughter's bedroom
- My main LOTRO character has got all the way through Moria and is now in the Dimrill Dale!