Monday, 24 June 2013

New Shop and New Terrain

Andy had mentioned to me that there was a model shop close to me that I knew nothing about, so Saturday saw me in the new(ish) realworld presence of the webstore SnM Stuff.  Despite the myriad numbers of goodies sold by Sean (the proprietor), I was able to discover some self-control and spend less than £15! You can see to the right what I purchased - some red(ish) flock, orange scatter stuff (both for bases of my mars figures), 1mm drills, slottabase pack, a new pin-vice and a large plastic sheet with moulded brickwork on it. A very nice haul, I thought, and I'm already planning what to get next time!

Something I will definitely be getting again is the brick-sheeting, as I've already used most of it in my first piece of terrain for the game of IHMN this Friday. I'm planning to get at least one wall of a Martian fort on the table - here's a WIP photo of it:

I took that pic on Saturday and it's moved on considerably since then - it's almost ready for undercoating now ...

In other news:
  • An informative (as usual!) post on the evil mastermind Colgar6's blog may well see me making first  mail order to Japan in the near future!
  • It seems that Wilkinsons' have tiles that are useful for IHMN - as seen in this post
  • Still trying to get the latest issue of 'Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy', but it's not in WHSmiths (where it normally is) nor can I get the pdf yet :(
  • Vampifan's condition seems worse than I had at first thought :(  Vampi's brother (Mikie) is keeping us up to date via comments on the latest post on Vampi's blog here; thanks to him for doing that! Get well soon Vampi!