So, as I promised earlier today, I've got the pictures I took yesterday at the Eastern Front convention - well the ones that weren't completely blurred anyway! In the pitcures, the layout is all Zombie Ad's hard work - Zombie Ad of
The Lead Will Walk The Earth - while the miniatures are mine. There was one guy, called Doug, who was talking to us - he said he only came when saw there was a zombie game on, which was very gratifying. Anyway, he took a stack of photos and said he'd send them to Ad, so hopefully some more pictures might emerge eventually ...
The layout created by Zombie Ad |
The newscrew has set-up and eagerly awaits blood ... |
The first victims survivors arrive and start shooting |
Closer view of the 4 cowgirls |
After fast-moving away from the Hummer |
the girls split into 2 pairs; unfortunately all the zeds followed one pair |
and it wasn't this pair! |
hmmm ... was Shane drunk when he 'turned' perhaps? |
ahh ... the zeds have found lunch ... |
and they start! in the centre of this slighty blurry pic (sorry!) is a feast marker ... scratch 1 cowgirl ... |
one of the sneaky pair got over-confident just outside their objective ... oops! Only 2 make it to Andy's ... |
zeds have finished lunch ... what happened to dessert?! you can see that the newscrew have relocated as they were too far away from the gore ... |
discretion being the better part and all that, the last 2 cowgirls took the back door out of Andy's and found a Merc sitting in the street ... |
but they weren't entirely alone ... probably the best time to run out of ammo, if there is such a thing! [dunno what happened to the colour in this pic :( ] The girls managed to reverse off the board and escape - just!! |
Layout cleared ready for game 2... initial zeds are placed |
At this point some guys came up and asked when the next game was starting - they thought it was a participation and not display game! Always eager to help, I said, 'why not? sure you can have a go' and then, just after they started, I wandered off to spend money I haven't got ... it might have seemed it, but it wasn't deliberate, there was no cunning plan to drop Ad in it - honest!
Ressurected by the mystic power of Zombie Ad, the cowgirls try again ... |
Due to my wandering, there are few photos of this game ... the next one has the cowgirls at their target.
the cards were not kind ... there were 3 zombies inside |
Hmmm ... I have no idea where the cowgirls were when this next pic was taken ...
and one less cowgirl afterwards ... |
the remaining cowgirls made it back to thier hummer, but it proved difficult to start and they seemed to be attracting an audience ... |
They managed to get away in the end ... I think!
I left at this point, but Ad was about to start another game with one of the players from game 2. It was fun and considering that Ad and I had just met, I think we put on a good show ... well Ad did - I heckled more than helped I think!
One thing that came up though ... if a character is in a car and a zed is trying to get them out of it - how is that handled?