Thursday, 30 June 2022

Brunvoldt 07 - Into the Dark

As he waited for the ferry, Brunvoldt took the chance to pray to Holy Vanth for strength, guidance and for the people of Portwater to have that same strength to weather the storm that had crashed upon them.

  Firebrand: Gather fire, +Spirit; 5 +5 vs. 10 & 7 => weak hit => +2 Fire, now 5 (max)

The ferry arrived and carried Brunvoldt, Scar and Magnus over to the Portwater side of the bay. Debarking, they climbed the hill to the village gates and found them closed, as Brunvoldt had expected given the current crisis. He hailed the Wall-Wardens and was soon admitted to the village.

  Reaching Portwater is the first step in his vow, so it is
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will journey to Portwater and investigate the Broken attack through the Lighthouse", progress now 1/10
  Time to ask the Oracle how things have progressed while Brunvoldt was travelling...
  Have the Wardens held the Broken back? 50/50, roll 22 - yes
  Is Ser Taylah wounded? Likely, roll 51 - yes; Lightly? likely, roll 66 - yes

At the Temple-of-Vanth, Brunvoldt found Ser Taylah, whose left arm was bandaged and in a sling, at the centre of a hive of activity. Wounded Wardens were lying on the pews being attended by the elderly folk of the village and Brunvoldt walked to Ser Taylah's side, interrupting her briefly so she knew he had arrived and then went to the guestroom to deposit his gear. Returning to the altar-room, he waited until Ser Taylah had finished speaking to one of the villagers, who hurried out, and then approached her.

  He embraced her and then stepped back, "Ser Taylah, I am sorry to see you hurt, but glad to see you on your feet at least."
  "Brunvoldt, it is good to see you. I had hoped that Lady Sibila would send you to help us, but last I heard you were looking for Giants."
  "I was indeed," Brunvoldt replied. "Unsuccessfully - I'll tell you what happened later. What is the situation here?"

Ser Taylah told Brunvoldt what had happened - in the middle watches of the night, all the dogs in the village had suddenly started barking, waking everyone and it was good that they had for otherwise the Broken that had come boiling out of the Lighthouse soon after would have been able to kill everyone in their beds. As it was, the Wardens and villagers had only just been able to force the Broken back and barricade the Lighthouse's entrance, keeping them contained.

Since then, the Broken had rushed the barricade on three occasions, in greater numbers each time, nearly surmounting it the last time. That had been eight hours ago - the longest time between attacks so far. As the dogs had warned of the Broken's first attack, the Wardens watching the barricade had been using them as very effective sentries. The Broken had attempted several stealth attacks, but been foiled by the dogs' warnings.

Ser Taylah

As they talked they had left the temple and headed up the hill to the Lighthouse. Standing before it, Brunvoldt surveyed the barricade they had constructed as Captain-Warden Selva approached.

  "Priestess, Sentinel," Selva began. "Still nothing - I'm beginning to think that they might have given up. But it's too dangerous to make that assumption. Someone will have to go in there and find out what's going on."
  "I'll go," volunteered Brunvoldt immediately. "Magnus will help me, won't you boy?" and he ruffled the Vaghunt's ears, earning a doggy smile of appreciation.
  "And I will go to," said Ser Taylah surprising them both.
  "But you are injured!" objected Brunvoldt seconds before Selva said the same thing.
  Ser Taylah looked from one to the other and began to take off the sling. "It is not my sword arm," she said and besides, it's merely a scratch." Her look of iron defied either of them to object further.

Brunvoldt had always believed that you should only fight battles that you stood a chance of winning so wisely said nothing further. Captain-Warden Selva obviously agreed and withdrew, saying that she would get access through the barricade ready. Brunvoldt and Ser Taylah returned to the temple to prepare for their foray beyond the barricade.

When both were ready, they returned to the barricade with Magnus to find that Selva had everything ready and was waiting for them.

  "Good luck," she said to them. "Vanth willing you won't need it, but in case you do..."

There was nothing to say in return, so they just nodded, clambered through the barricade and into the darkness that lay beyond ...


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Brunvoldt 06 - Crisis Strikes

Brunvoldt's meeting with the First-Priestess-of-Vanth, Lady Sibila, began well. Brunvoldt reported on what he had found at the Giant camp and then elaborated on what he thought it meant for the Templemount region. Lady Sibila was in complete agreement - there would need to be further investigation. They were discussing the nest steps, when there was a knock on the door and Lady Sibila's secretary entered without waiting for permission. The expression on his face gave reason for his impoliteness, though. All the colour had drained from it and his shock was evident. Wordlessly he moved to the desk and handed a rook-delivered note to Lady Sibila. He withdrew and closed the door behind him.

Lady Sibila read the note. And then re-read it. As she did, the shock became evident on her face. After a moment, in which the Lady visibly collected herself, she looked up at Brunvoldt, her face unreadable once more - she was in control again.

  "Brunvoldt," she began. "The Broken are attacking Portwater. They have emerged from under the Lighthouse and attacked the village. Ser Taylah writes that after the initial attack the Wardens were able to push the Broken back and have barricaded the Lighthouse. The Wardens have all been mustered and they are holding the line for now."
  "My Lady, I will leave immediately and render what aid I can to Ser Taylah and the people," stated Brunvoldt, beginning to rise.
  "Of course you will Brunvoldt," the Lady replied, "but not immediately. First we must discharge your existing vow, vow this new Task and to do that we must determine what that task shall be." At Brunvoldt's nod of agreement, she continued. "I will send a rook to Ser Taylah and Captain-Warden Selva." She was thinking aloud now, almost ignoring Brunvoldt's presence. "Yes, we shall dispatch the Charuns to resolve this. You and Ser Taylah shall investigate how this has occurred and gather what information you can for the Chief-Charun."

  Her eyes refocussed on Brunvoldt and she said to him, "Discharge your vow and allow Holy Vanth to lift it - or not."
  Drawing his sword, Brunvoldt knelt, held the blade in his right hand and spoke the words, "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I have investigated the Giant tribe and reported my findings."

  Returning and reporting to Lady Sibila is another
  Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings", progress now 8/10
  Fulfill Your Vow: progress 8 vs. 6 & 2 => strong hit => 2 ticks on Quests Legacy track
  Also, seeing this moment of weakness in Lady Sibila and (apparently) ingoring it is an opportunity to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Lady Sibila, mark progress per rank => formidable, prog. 2/10

Brunvoldt felt the vow's weight lift from him, and Lady Sibila murmured, "Holy Vanth concurs."

  "Now you will vow to journey to Portwater and investigate the Broken attack through the Lighthouse," she told Brunvoldt.
  Brunvoldt still holding his sword and kneeling, spoke his vow. "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I will journey to Portwater and investigate the attack by the Broken through the Lighthouse."

  Swear an Iron Vow: "I will journey to Portwater and investigate the attack by the Broken through the Lighthouse", formidable; +Heart, +1 connection with Lady Sibila; 6 +3 +1 vs. 6 & 3 => strong hit

Brunvoldt felt the weight of the Holy Vow settle upon him and sat in the chair again.

  "Now," began Lady Sibila, "Time is important with this situation, so ride to Portwater. The Charuns should be leaving soon after you, but they will be slower due to their numbers and, of course, be walking due to the lack of bison that can be ridden. I think there is nothing else to be said here. If anything else comes up I will send a message to await you at Portwater." She stood, so Brunvoldt did as well. "Good luck, Sentinel-of-the-Faith, help Ser Taylah and the people of Portwater the best that you can."
  "I will my Lady," replied Brunvoldt and bowing, he left her to respond to the crisis as best she could.

Brunvoldt went to the stables first and arranged for the riding bison, Scar, to be made ready, while he returned to his quarters to pack. That done he returned to the stable and stowed his gear on Scar. Magnus and Scar sniffed at each other and seemed to swiftly reach an accomodation, which was good news - the last thing that Brunvoldt needed was for the animals to be at odds. With difficulty, for he had never been an accomplished rider, Brunvoldt climbed into the saddle and left Templemount once more.

  Set a Course: +Supply; 3 +5 vs. 8 & 1 => weak hit => arrive, suffer move -2
  Lose Momentum: -2 momentum, now +8

Despite his inexpert riding, Brunvoldt made good time, but when he reached the Portwater ferry, he found it was on the Portwater side. Taking the baton, he struck the iron triangle that hung from a post at the jetty three times. One of the Temple-Mystics from Templemount had enchanted the triangle hung here and its twin that hung on the other side. If either were struck three times, than both would ring, alerting the ferry should it be on the wrong side of the crossing. The triangle where the ferry was was struck three times in response so that the prospective passenger knew the ferry was on its way - a very useful magic.

When the answering ring came, Brunvoldt settled down to wait for the ferry, wondering what he would find at Portwater ...


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Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Brunvoldt 05 - Return

  As Brunvoldt reached the valley, I had no idea whether the Giants would be there. So I'm asking the Oracle - 50/50, roll 80 = No. Were they attacked? 50/50, roll 28 = Yes. Well, I know who that was ...

Walking down the hillside into the valley, alarm and trepidation began to grow in Brunvoldt. He could see that the encampment was deserted - there was no sign of any life. Even from the distance that he still was, he could tell that violence had been done there - a lot of violence. Baskets were overturned and a couple of the yurts had fire damage, but from here he could see no bodies ... Well then, that made it obvious who the culprits were.

Reaching the settlement, Brunvoldt looked around, poking his head into the yurts, trying to learn what he could about what had happened. He was no expert tracker, but even he could make out the tracks that were everywhere.

  Gather Information: +Wits; 5 +3 vs. 6 & 1 => strong hit => +2 momentum, now 10 (max)

The Hyena tracks confirmed the absence of bodies as the Varou being the attackers. Signs showed that some Giant survivors had headed north and that the Varou had pursued some time after that, but Brunvoldt couldn't tell how long had elapsed between the events.

Having learnt all that he felt he could, Brunvoldt went over to the packbison and penned a note for Firstmeet to read and then forward to Lady Sibila. Getting the rook from its cage, he attached the small tube containing his note to its leg and let the bird fly. Satisified that the bird was heading to its home at Firstmeet, Brunvoldt followed it.

  Brunvoldt has learnt what happened to the Giants - they were driven off by the Varou - so this is
  Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings", progress now 6/10
  Brunvoldt is returning to Firstmeet the way he came - no shortcuts! - so that will be
  Set a Course: +Supply; 6 +5 vs. 7 & 5 => strong hit => arrive, +1 momentum, now +10 (max)

Brunvoldt made his way safely back to Firstmeet. He avoided the tor where the beasts had attacked and was pleased to not encounter them anywhere else. It was after dark by the time that he reached the village and, being very tired, he went to bed in the temple as soon as the Wall-Wardens had admitted him.

In the morning, Brunvoldt went to speak with Torgia to give her more detail than he'd been able to put in his short note. That said, there wasn't really much he could add to the bare fact that the Varou had attacked the Giants and driven them away. Perhaps a more competent tracker could read more if Torgia decided to send one. Brunvoldt described the route he had taken to Torgia who made copious notes - she would almost certainly send someone it seemed...

As that was not his problem though, Brunvoldt repacked the few items he had unpacked the night before and, bidding farewell to Gunnhildr and Naila, set out for Templemount.

  Brunvoldt returning to Templemount means that he will
  Set a Course: +Supply; 4 +5 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => arrive, +1 momentum, now +10 (max)

Eventually after another uneventful journey and yet another night at Halfway, Brunvoldt arrived back at Templemount. At least the direct road to Woodstock had finally been built last year, so if he had to go there again, he wouldn't have to spend the night at Halfway.

Dismissing such musings, Brunvoldt concentrated on the business at hand. He returned the Bison and then reported to the Lady Sibila's secretary and made an appointment for the morning. That done, he dropped in on Mistress-of-Lore Gyda and handed over the tooth, claw, fur and sketch of the creature that he had encountered on the moor. As he had thought, Gyda was very pleased, even going so far as to consider the name he had given the the creature - Klatrer.

After he had eaten, Brunvoldt retired to his room to give Magnus a good brush. It might seem to others a strange thing to do with a Vagthund wardog like Magnus, who was fully capable of ripping out a man's throat, but Brunvoldt had long ago learnt that the ritual helped reinforce their bond and helped him to think. He had Temple-Houndmaster Gunnvor to thank for the insight.

Although he had played down what he had learnt about the Giants to both Torgia and Gunnhildr, Brunvoldt was very worried. For a Varou tribe to consider itself strong enough to attack Giants, let alone do it successfully, bode badly for the Templemount region. Especially now that they had driven off the Giants. It would not be long before they turned their attention onto the humans, after all the most important thing to Varou was their territory and they had always considered the Templemount region theirs ... It did not bode well at all. He suspected that he would be back to Firstmeet and its area in the very near future ...

But that was tomorrow's problem, or if he was lucky, the next day's and he could have a day relaxing in the Citadel-Temple. He brushed Magnus until the Vagthund got bored and decided it would be more fun to steal Brunvoldt's boots ...


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Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Brunvoldt 04 - Finding Giants

  So, Brunvoldt is leaving Firstmeet to try and find the Giants. This is my first Starforged 'expedition'
  Undertake an Expedition: 'Find the Giants', dangerous; vigilant +Wits; 4 +4 vs. 7 & 5 => strong hit => waypoint, mark progress, now 2/10
  Waypoint: 1.60 - Moor

Heading north-west from Firstmeet, Brunvoldt entered the hills that lay in that direction, leading his pair of packbison with Magnus ranging around him, enjoying the chance to run.

Before long the hills gradually became a moor - the hills levelling off to create the uplands that were the moor with patches of fenland which Brunvoldt made sure to avoid.

  Undertake an Expedition: 'Find the Giants', dangerous; vigilant +Wits; 2 +3 vs. 8 & 3 => weak hit => waypoint, mark progress, now 4/10, face peril
  Waypoint: 4.79 - Overhang
  For the peril I'm using the Starforged Creature Oracle to create a beast and the Delve Monstrosity Oracle for its abilities; my Worldbook and Ironlands Notes both say there are lots of Beast and Horrors, but we've yet to encounter any non-undead, so time for one of them to show up

Dusk was drawing on and the wind had picked up so when Brunvoldt saw a tor ahead with a large overhang, he thought that would be an ideal spot to camp. When he got closer, he was pleased to see that it was what he hoped, and sent about making camp. As he was laying out his bedroll, though, Magnus caught his attention with a sudden growl. Dropping the bedroll Brunvoldt quickly drew his sword and looking around, said, "What is it boy?" and that was when something landed on his back and knocked him to the ground.

  This is what was generated: Small (hound-sized) mammal, brutish or muscled, pack hunter, climber, Stealthy / ambusher; I have called it a Klatrer (Google tells me this is Danish for climber)

Brunvoldt rolled out from under his attacker, coming to his feet with his sword before him. He did not know what manner of beast this was, but there were four of them he could see. They were the size of a shepherd's dog with rock-grey fur, heavily muscled with long teeth and claws. And then the two in front of him both leapt at him.

  An individual Klatrer is troublesome, this pack is dangerous
  Enter the Fray: 'Drive these beasts away'; facing off, +Heart; 2 +3 vs. 10 & 3 => weak hit => take control
  Strike: +Iron, +1 Combat Bot (Magnus), +1 Blademaster; 2 +2 +1 +1 vs. 6 & 5 => weak hit => mark progress twice, now 4/10, in bad spot
  Clash: +Iron, +1 Blademaster; 4 +2 +1 vs. 5 & 3 => strong hit => mark progress twice, now 8/10, in control, +1 momentum from Combat Bot (Magnus), now +9
  Take Decisive Action: progress 8 vs. 4 & 1 => strong hit => +1 momentum, now +10

The first beast that leapt at Brunvoldt met his sword with its neck. Its head came away from its body, both parts landing on the ground with a satisying splat. The other was met in mid-air by Magnus who, seizing its throat, landed and started to shake the beast violently, its dying squeals knifing through the otherwise silent dusk. This was too much for the other creatures who had been rushing the Bison and they took off into the increasing gloom.

Thinking better of his plan to camp under the overhang now he knew these beasts were about, Brunvoldt decided to move. But first, after he had packed up his half-unpacked gear, he made a quick sketch of the creature, and took tooth, claw and fur from its body. Mistress-of-Lore Gyda would be very pleased with the samples.

  Having begun his search and overcoming this peril, allows Brunvoldt to - Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings", progress now 4/10

Brunvoldt didn't move very far and this time the first thing he did was to light a fire, hoping it would keep the beasts away. It seemed to succeed as his night was undisturbed. The next morning, he packed up and lacking a better plan continued to head north-west.

  Undertake an Expedition: 'Find the Giants', dangerous; vigilant +Wits; 5 +3 vs. 10 & 7 => weak hit => waypoint, mark progress, now 6/10, 2 suffer -1 moves
  Sacrifice Resources: -1 Supply, now 4
  Lose Momentum: - 1 momentum, now 9
  Waypoint: 4.50 - Game trail

Brunvoldt had crossed the moor - did it have a name? none that he knew of - and re-entered rolling, grassy hills. He soon found a game trail heading more-or-less his way, so followed that for a while. But then he realised that it would never go near any settlement of Giants, so left it and resumed his north-west route.

  Undertake an Expedition: 'Find the Giants', dangerous; vigilant +Wits; 3 +3 vs. 4 & 1 => strong hit => waypoint, mark progress, now 8/10
  Waypoint: 2.65 - Valley
  Finish an Expedition: progress 8 vs. 3 & 1 => strong hit => 2 ticks on discoveries track

Cresting a hill, Brunvoldt saw a valley laid out before him with a stream rising from a pool away to his right and running the length ot the valley before him. But what drew his attention was the encampment in the middle of the valley. From the size of it, it must be the Giants.


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Brunvoldt 03 - A Dying Man

Brunvoldt arose the next morning and, after breakfasting with Gunnhildr and Naila, went to Finnr's house. Finnr's wife admitted Brunvoldt and he ascended the ladder to the sleeping area where Finnr was lying in his bed, propped up by pillows, looking like someone about to begin their Final Journey.

  A scene challenge seems the best way to run Brunvoldt's attempt to convince Finnr not to publicly confess. One thing I want to point out is that the actual details of Finnr's misdeed are immaterial to Brunvoldt - he is concerned with the possible impact of a confession, not what he did. That said, let's get into the mechanics
  Begin the Scene: ready to act, Dangerous challenge, four segment clock
  Secure an Advantage: using logic, +Wits; 1 +3 vs. 6 & 3 =&gt weak hit => 
+1 on next move
  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits, +1 from last move; 6 +3 +1 vs. 2 & 2 => strong hit w. match => mark progress twice, now 4/10, clock 0/4

Sitting on a small stool next to the bed, Brunvoldt began his conversation with Finnr. He didn't try to browbeat the dying man as Brunvoldt knew that as soon as he left, Finnr would shake off the intimidation and return to his previous conviction. Instead Brunvoldt pursued the logic - as he saw it anyway - of the situation. For instance, who would benefit from Finnr's confession? Finnr's conscience may be salved, but it would not change the fact of his misdeed. Religiously, Holy Vanth is Guide-to-the-Dead, not judge, so She would Guide Finnr regardless, confession or not. Finnr's afterlife would be what he had earnt through his life's actions - confession would not affect it.

  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits; 1 +3 vs. 6 & 1 => weak hit => mark progress, now 6/10, progress clock, now 1/4

Finnr maintained his belief that he should confess - people should know the truth he believed, but Brunvoldt's steady insistence that the good of the community trumped that, was beginning to bring him around.

  Face Danger: using logic, +Wits; 6 +3 vs. 7 & 1 => strong hit => mark progress, now 8/10, progress clock, now 1/4
  Finish the Scene: progress 8 vs. 8 & 7 => weak hit => succeed, pay the price
  Endure Stress: -1 Spirit, now 4 => choose not to resist

Eventually, Finnr saw the wisdom of the case that Brunvoldt was making and relutantly agreed to take his secret to the grave. After giving his blessing to Finnr, Brunvoldt left the man to his family.

Stepping out into the daylight, Brunvoldt mused to himself. That had been an experience that he never wanted again - arguing with a dying man was something that he never wanted to repeat. As he returned to the temple, Brunvoldt considered what he had done. It had been necessary, but had it been right? Honestly, he would never know, but he could live with that uncertainty, after all, he had to.

In the altar-room of the Temple-of-Vanth, Brunvoldt knelt before the altar and prayed to Vanth, seeking solace in Her presence that he felt in Her temple.

  Hearten: +Heart; 6 +3 vs. 7 & 4 => strong hit => +2 Spirit, now 5 (max)
  Firebrand: Gather fire, +Spirit; 2 +5 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => +3 Fire, now 3

When he had concluded his devotions, Brunvoldt sought out Gunnhildr and told her of his conversation with Finnr and the results. She was very pleased that Brunvoldt had succeded.

  Succeeding at this task allows Brunvoldt to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Gunnhildr, mark progress per rank => troublesome, prog. 9/10
    and then   Forge a Bond: with Gunnhildr, progress 9 vs. 7 & 5 => strong hit => troublesome, 1 tick on Bonds legacy track
  As a bond, Gunnhildr, needs a role. Given that she's prematurely aged and lacking any other inspiration, I've decided that she's a former farmer as that is a hard life, it seems appropriate and who knows? Brunvoldt may need agricultural advice at some point ...

Brunvoldt penned a short note to Lady Sibila reporting, discreetly, that Gunnhildr's 'issue' had been resolved and Naila took it to the rookery where it was dispatched to Templemount.

  Resolving this for Lady Sibila is grounds to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Lady Sibila, mark progress per rank => formidable, prog. 1/10
  Resolving this - i.e. getting it out of the way - is the first step on his vow to Lady Sibila - Reach a Milestone: dangerous vow "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings", progress now 2/10

Brunvoldt felt that now he could discuss the 'real' purpose of his visit to Firstmeet and talked it through with Gunnhildr. She did not really know anything more than Brunvoldt already did - the Giants had not visited Firstmeet for just over a halfyear, prior to which they had visited roughly every three months. She recommended that Brunvoldt talk to the acting Mayor, Torgia, and took him to the council hut where she introduced them.

  Descriptors & goal for First-Merchant Torgia, acting Mayor: Clumsy, Resourceful, Confident; 'Advance status' - so she volunteered to fill the role

  "So what does a Sentinel do then?" ask Torgia, seeming to be genuinely curious. "I must admit, although I'm not familiar with all the positions in the Church, that I've not heard of a Sentinel before."
  "Whatever I can to help the Faith," evaded Brunvoldt. "Today, it is to seek out the Giant tribe that used to visit here and learn why they have stopped coming."
  "That is good news!" exclaimed Torgia. Brunvoldt had known Torgia would be pleased. She was the First-Merchant of Firstmeet and with no Giant visits, trade had suffered accordingly. "Is there anything that you need for your mission? Anything that we can provide is yours, of course."
  "No, I think that I have everything," answered Brunvoldt. "I just came here to let you know that I would be leaving to find the Giants today and to ask if you know where they can be found?"
  "They have always come from the north-west when they visit, is all I can really tell you," said Torgia, "I believe that they had a stopover point about a day from us, but that's an impression not anything they actually said."

So with nothing further to keep him in Firstmeet, Brunvoldt readied his packbison and with Magnus at his heel, he left the village.


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Monday, 27 June 2022

Brunvoldt 02 - People to Meet

  So, my first Starforged 'Exploration Move' will be 'Set a Course' as Brunvoldt is travelling to Highfall which is a known route
  Set a Course: +Supply; 3 +5 vs. 4 & 3 => strong hit => arrive, +1 mom' now +7

It took Brunvoldt most of the day to reach Highfall and he got there without incident, the patrols of the Faithful doing their job admirably. After greeting the people of the hamlet, he unpacked and stabled his bison, then met with Priestess Amara in the Temple-of-Vanth.

On his previous visit, when he had been Radulf the Charun, Brunvoldt had not got to know Amara. He had spent most of his time at the hamlet looking for the boy Sven and his father Gunter. But given his new role in the Faith and that he would be dealing with the Priestesses more, this time he spent the evening with Amara getting to know her, intending to talk with Sven in the morning.

  Descriptors & Goal for Amara: Frank, Armed, Experienced; 'Be loved by all'
  Make a Connection: +Heart; 4 +3 vs. 5 & 4 => strong hit => troublesome connection

Amara, a plain looking, middle aged woman had been a warden until she took an arrow in the knee. It hadn't healed properly and even now, years later, she had to wear a metal brace on that leg. Obviously the injury meant she had to change careers and she had taken up her first love as a profession - religion - and joined the Church of Vanth, eventually becoming the Priestess here in Highfall. They talked long into the night, becoming both slightly drunk and friends.

The next morning, Brunvoldt called upon Turid, Sven's mother and spoke to her about the apprenticeship at the Templemount Temple-Armoury. Although she did not want one her of sons that far from her, it would be a great opportunity for her Sven. Life would be easier for someone in a town with a disability like Sven's - even if it was only that he could buy food and not have to grow it himself - and she gave her permission for Brunvoldt to talk to Sven. The talk with the boy went well and it was agreed that he would go with the next patrol or trader travelling from Highfall to Templemount. Brunvoldt used his new position's authority to draw up the papers Sven would need and he remembered to send a rook to Maghilde as he had promised her.

  Arranging this opportunity for Sven will be appreciated by the folk of Highfall and by Temple-Armourer Maghilde, so
  Develop Your Relationship: with Highfall, mark progress per rank => troublesome, prog. 6/10
  Develop Your Relationship: with Maghilde, mark progress per rank => troublesome, prog. 3/10

His business in Highfall concluded, Brunvoldt set out for Firstmeet, pleased with his decision to visit Highfall - it had been well worth it.

  Set a Course: +Supply; 3 +5 vs. 3 & 1 => strong hit => arrive, +1 mom' now +8

Another uneventful journey was enjoyed by Brunvoldt, this time for two days - one to Halfway, and the second onto Firstmeet.

  So, what was the problem that Gunnhildr wouldn't mention in her rook-message to Lady Sibila? (see Brunvoldt 01 - Beginnings) I have no idea, so let's use the oracles; rolling on revealed character aspect, I get 'dying'; interesting. The oracle tells me it's not Gunnhildr herself, but it is Mayor Finnr. Looking at the character goal table, I pick 'find redemption' as what he wants to achieve before he dies ...

Entering Firstmeet, Brunvoldt was surprised at the sombre, downcast atmosphere that permeated the village. Granted, he had only been here before during the winter, but even then the place had seemed to be more ... alive. Puzzled, he had his bison unpacked and stabled and went to see Gunnhildr, Priestess-of-Vanth here. She was in the temple, cleaning the altar room with her acolyte, Naila.

  "Brunvoldt!" exclaimed Gunnhildr, we had expected you yesterday!"
  "I know," he replied. "I took a diversion to Highfall for some other business, I hope it didn't inconvenience you at all?"
  "No more than you always do," Gunnhildr replied laughing. She turned to Naila, "Naila prepare some tea for us and bring it to my office. I need to talk to our new 'Sentinel'," and they withdrew to her office, Brunvoldt depositing his travelling gear in the guestroom on the way.

As they waited for the tea, Brunvoldt and Gunnhildr caught up on gossip - he had not visited for nearly a year and there was much to catch up on. After Naila had brought the tea and withdrawn, Gunnhildr poured cups for both of them and they settled down to more serious matters.

  "So Gunnhildr, what is the problem that you couldn't mention in a rook-message?" asked Brunvoldt.
  "Mayor Finnr is unwell," replied Gunnhildr looking uncomfortable at having to discuss another's private business - it was against her nature. She paused, and then continued, "In fact he is dying. Shashkya the apothecary came to see him from Highfall, and she determined that he has a cancer and nothing can be done for him."
  "That is sad news indeed," Brunvoldt sympathised, "but it is the natural order of things - Lady Vanth will come to guide us all when our time comes."
  "I know that, and I look forward to seeing Her, when my own times comes!" she snapped, her occasionally waspish tendency breaking through. She drew breath, collecting herself, "I apologise Brunvoldt, Vanth only knows I try to rein in my temper. Anyway, the point is not that Finnr is dying, it is that he has decided that he must unburden himself before he dies. It's not even that - we all should begin our Final Journey with our soul unburdened. It is that he has determined that he must publicly confess."

Brunvoldt could see the problem. Finnr was well-liked, having run the village well and fairly for several years. A revelation of prior misdeeds would hit the people here hard, especially so if they were serious.

  "What is it that he wants to confess?" asked Brunvoldt.
  "That he must tell you himself," answered Gunnhildr. "He may yet decide not to share and I will not talk of something that a man may yet take to his grave."
  "And you want help persuading him to do so?" Brunvoldt suggested.
  "Exactly," replied Gunnhildr, "Public confession or not, will not help the people who suffered and old wounds benefit no-one from being prodded."
  "Then I will talk to him in the morning - assuming I do not need to do so now?" Brunvoldt realised that he did not know how long Finnr had.
  Gunnhildr stood, "No, he is not that close to his Final Journey yet, although it is close - days perhaps. I will go and make the arrangements. Naila will see to food and you can retire."

So Brunvoldt went to the kitchen, and after eating retired to the guestroom.

  Agreeing to help Gunnhildr with this difficult issue, allows Brunvoldt to
  Develop Your Relationship: with Gunnhildr, mark progress per rank => troublesome, prog. 6/10


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Brunvoldt 01 - Beginnings

At his knock, a voice from behind the door responded, "Come." Brunvoldt entered Lady Sibila's office. It had been three years since he had been in this room, but nothing noticeable had changed.

  "Sit down Brunvoldt, please," she asked and continued when he had. "I am told that you are ready to leave the Library and return to the world," she stated. "Do you agree?"
  "Yes my Lady," he replied. "I believe that I am."
  "Good, I am very glad to hear that," she paused for a moment as she looked measuringly at him. "I have decided that you shall be our Sentinel-of-the-Faith. This means that you shall be my personal agent, resolving problems that trouble our Church. You will retain your quarters here at Templemount, but expect to spend most of your time travelling. I may not be able to see you personally at times, so you may swear your Tasks to the nearest Priestess. Do you understand?" her questioning grey eyes held his.

  "I believe that I do, my Lady." he replied, doing his best to hold her gaze.
  "Good," she said, pleased. "Your first Task is to go to the Giant tribe that ranges to the north-west of Firstmeet and learn why they have ceased their trading visits to that village. They have not visited for the last half-year and although we do not need their trade, it is of course, advantageous to us and if the Giants have some kind of problem, it is to our benefit to learn what afflicts them as soon as possible." She paused, ensuring Brunvoldt was following.
  "You will not take any action that may jeopardise the Faith's relations with the tribe - that is very important," she finished. "Now, swear that you will do this for our Faith."

Brunvoldt drew Lili's sword - No. It was his sword now, he had to stop thinking of it as Lili's - that led only to melancholy and despair. Resolutely, he knelt, held the blade in his bare right hand and spoke the words, "I swear upon the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings."

  This a dangerous vow
  Swear an Iron Vow: +Wits from Devotant 2nd ability, use linked stat; 4 +3 vs 6 & 2 => strong hit => +4 momentum (+2 strong hit, +2 Devotant 2nd) now +6; formidable vow: "I will investigate the Giant tribe and report my findings"

  As if discerning his resolution, as he sat on the chair again Lady Sibila said, "Thank-you Brunvoldt. I am pleased that you have recovered, it has warmed my heart."

  This is an opportunity for Brunvoldt to connect with Lady Sibila who will be a formidable connection
  Make a Connection: +Heart; 3 +3 vs. 6 & 1 => weak hit => complication
  No idea, so I rolled on the Ironsmith Expanded Oracles 'Plot Knowledge an NPC Can Give' table and got 'a person with important information about a formidable or lower vow'
  "Thank you my Lady," answered Brunvoldt, beginning to rise, believing the conversation finished.
  "One more thing," began Lady Sibila holding up her hand to arrest Brunvoldt's movement. "Priestess-of-Vanth Gunnhildr at Firstmeet has contacted me. She has some ... 'issue' that she felt unable to document on a rook-message. When you get to Firstmeet, find out the nature of this issue and resolve it."
  "Of course my Lady," said Brunvoldt.
  "Leave as soon as you are ready, Brunvoldt," said Lady Sibila, "and thank-you."
  "Thank you for this my Lady, I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve the Faith again," said Brunvoldt, rising to his feet. With a bow that the Lady acknowledged with a nod he left her office.

From Lady Sibila's office went to his quarters to fetch Magnus - he had to collect the armour for the Vagthund that the new Temple-Armourer, Maghilde had been resizing. Maghilde had only held the position for a month and Templemount gossip already had things to say about her.

  Descriptors and goal for Maghilde: Zealous, Courteous, Flexible; 'Teach others'

Maghilde was expecting Brunvoldt and Magnus' armour was ready - needing only a final fitting. "It just needs a few final tweaks and it will be ready - say in two watches, if you can leave Magnus with me?" offered Maghilde

So Brunvoldt went off to secure the supplies and a pair of packbison that he would need for his journey. He didn't know how long he would be searching for the Giants, so he had decided to take a pair for a measure of safety. Arranging that they would be loaded and ready for him to leave in the morning took him the best part of three watches, so he returned to the Temple-Armoury and found an armoured Magnus waiting for him.

  "Thank-you Maghilde, this looks excellent!" said Brunvoldt.
  "Glad to help our new Sentinel," smiled Maghilde. Brunvoldt liked the way that Maghilde's smile twinkled in her eyes. "The wolf collar is standard for all Vagthund, as you know, but the brigandine coat is something new for them. I don't anticipate that it will have any problems, but be sure to let me know, whether there are or not." She paused, "I hear you are leaving tomorrow?"
  "I am indeed," Brunvoldt said. "Is there anything you need me to do for you?"
  "Yes, there is actually," Maghilde smiled again. "I want to find apprentices, we have the capacity for more, but there are none in Templemount who want to learn the profession. If you could find me some on your journeys, I would apprciate it."
  Sven, the crippled lad in Highfall, leapt immediately to Brunvoldt's mind. "I know of a likely lad in Highfall, I'll go and ask him and let you know by rook."
  "Thank-you again Brunvoldt," Maghilde positively beamed now. "That is most kind - may Holy Vanth watch over you on your travels," and bowed to him. Brunvoldt politely returned the bow and smile, summoned Magnus and left Maghilde to her work.

  Another connection opportunity for Brunvoldt, this time troublesome
  Make a Connection: +Heart; 5 +3 vs. 6 & 3 => strong hit

The next morning, fully prepared, Brunvoldt left Templemount on his first mission as the Sentinel-of-the-Faith of the Holy-Church-of-Vanth.


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Sunday, 26 June 2022

Radulf and Brunvoldt

The man who had once been Radulf of Templemount stared vacantly out of his window at the courtyard of the Citadel-Temple replaying the events of that horrible day many, many years ago. as he often found himself doing. With difficulty, he pulled his mind back from the day that Lili had died. She had been his first love he knew now, although it had taken him years (and other loves) to realise that ...

That day had been the single most formative experience of his life. He had been damaged in body and soul, his Faith challenged as it had never been before. But he had survived - unlike beautiful, heroic, Lili. And his friend, Runbjorn had never been the same - the Hound's spirit had been shattered by the experience. Instead of a brave, loyal, companion, Runbjorn had become a frightened, broken thing, whimpering and cowering at the slightest fear and lived out his short remaining life as Radulf's pet, unable to fulfil his duties as a Kadaverhund of the Faith.

He had been like Runbjorn at first - broken, useless and without purpose. His left arm had been crippled - barely able to lift it above shoulder height. That meant he could no longer wield the Hammer-of-Charun, the badge of office of the Charun, a Warrior-of-the-Faith - a role that he had trained to fill since he had been given to the Church. What would he be now? What could he do? How could he help the Faith that was the core of his life?

Then Lady Sibila had saved him. She had given him purpose and even given him a new name. That had been her greatest gift to him. A new name allowed him to separate the events of 'before' from those of 'after' in his mind, creating a measure of acceptance that had not been possible for him until that point.

So, Radulf or rather Brunvoldt as he was henceforth known, joined the library of the Citadel-Temple. As his body slowly mended, he studied under Gyda, Mistress-of-Lore. Lady Sibila wanted Brunvoldt to learn new skills and expand his knowledge so that he would continue to be of use to the Faith. Along with knowledge, Brunvoldt learnt new martial skills - the holy sword of Vanth became his weapon. Specifically, Lili's sword. That had been all that remained of Lili when Radulf had regained his senses and he had kept the sword ever since.

Magnus, the Vagthund

When Runbjorn had finally been granted the gift of eternal rest, Lady Sibila had ordered Brunvoldt to attend the Temple-Kennels to gain a new companion. She believed that Brunvoldt would need the aid of a new Hound and, although Brunvoldt was reluctant, he came to learn that she was right. Temple-Houndmaster Gunnvor once more guided Brunvoldt, but this time it was to bond with a Vagthund* and Magnus became his new partner.

* - According to Google, Vagthund is Danish for wardog, Magnus' breed is Central Asian Shepherd dog

Brunvoldt's life was not all work, though. Whenever Ser Taylah, Priestess-of-Vanth in Portwater, came to Templemount, she visited Brunvoldt and their friendship grew, each appreciating the company of the other. In the summers he visited the settlements administered by the Faith and was pleased to see that the boy Sven, crippled by the Varou in Highfall, was growing to be a redoubtable young man. Sigrid and Odvir's love had blossomed to marriage although she had chosen to leave the Church (gossip fountained as to why, but Brunvoldt did not know).

Just over three years had passed since the day of Lili's death. His body was mended, although his left arm still pained him and it would never have full mobility or use. His mind had been educated and expanded and he felt ready for whatever Lady Sibila intended for him. He did not know it, but those around him agreed that Brunvoldt was ready to return to the world. Mistress-of-Lore Gyda said as much to Lady Sibila, 'He must be pushed now, or he'll stay in the Library for ever; I have no more to teach him.'

So Brunvoldt was summoned to the Lady Sibilia's office where he learnt that she had created a new role in the Faith for him ...

  I'm using the 'opportunity' of the traumatic fight in Radulf 22 - Sacrifice, to change my game.
  As Radulf had developed, I could see the game rapidly becoming a 'monster-of-the-week' series, something that I do not want. So, by using the Ironsworn asset 'Battle-Scarred', I'm changing the character's specialism away from combat to a more thought-first approach. Well, that's my intent.
  I've been listening to a lot of Starforged actual plays, and am impressed by the changes between it and Ironsworn, and would like to try the new rules. As I have no inspiration for a Sci-Fi game at the moment, I'm going to use them for this game going forward, but am retaining some of the Ironsworn assets.
  As a consequence of the change of rules, I'm changing the assets of Brunvoldt; the starting assets were:
  • Devotant (Charun, Iron), Banner-sworn, Thunder-bringer
  Those Ironsworn assets are exchanged for these Starforged assets:
  • Devotant (Vanth, Wits), Blademaster, Sleuth
  In the course of his adventures, Radulf earned 13xp - 4 of which were for completing the vow to destroy the Villain (shown as incomplete on his character sheet) - which Brunvoldt has spent as follows:
  • Starforged Assets: 2xp Devotant 2nd ability, 5xp Firebrand & 3rd ability, 3xp Companion Combat Bot (reskinned as Magnus the Vagthund)
  • Ironsworn Assets: 3xp Battle-scarred (1st ability, -1 Iron, +1 Heart, +1 Wits)
  Note: I've advanced the connection with Ser Taylor to represent the friendship in the fiction above to 6/10. Also, I have advanced his background vow to 1.5/10 as each years' service is a 'tick'


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Saturday, 25 June 2022

Radulf 22 - Sacrifice

As Radulf and Lili watched, stupefied by the horror that unfolded before them, the creature's body gradually reassembled itself. As it did so, the mask slowly begin to rise until, as the body completed itself, the creature was as it had been before Radulf had broken it to pieces.

The Wight, reformed

Inspiration struck Lili, "It must be a Wight, Radulf, we need to destroy its mask!"

    Enter the Fray: formidable foe - still; facing off +Heart; 6 +2 vs. 3 & 1 =>strong hit => take initiative, +2 momentum, now +4
  Strike: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 2 +3 +1 +1 vs. 9 & 3 => weak hit => lose initiative; 2 harm, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 3/10
  Clash: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 1 +3 +1 +1 vs. 8 & 7 => miss => lose initiative, progress 3/10; -1 Health due to Masked, now 3; -3 Health to Runbjorn, now 1
  Mark Failure Track: now 3.00   Companion Endure Harm: +Heart; 2 +2 vs. 9 & 6 => miss, -1 momentum, now +3
  Mark Failure Track: now 3.25

Radulf struck at the Wight, hitting it solidly, but, as before, it ignored his strikes. This time though, it seemed that Runbjorn had hurt it. The Wight struck the Hound, flinging the loyal dog across the cavern where he struck hard and lay still whimpering.

  "Runbjorn!" shouted Radulf enraged. With Lili by his side, they swung savagely at the Wight.

  Radulf is frightened for Runbjorn, so will no longer use the Companion Hound asset
  Clash: +Iron, +1 Masked; 4 +3 +1 vs. 10 & 5 => weak hit => lose initiative, 2 harm, progress 5/10; pay the price, -3 Health, now 0
  Endure Harm: +Iron +1 Masked; 1 +3 +1 vs. 10 & 6 => miss => mark wounded, -1 momentum, now +2
  Mark Failure Track: now 3.50
  Turn the Tide: steal initiative and +1 on next move
  Strike: +Iron +1 Masked +1 Turn the Tide +2 Thunder-Bringer asset (reroll any dice, +2 harm strong hit, but weak hit is a miss); 6 +3 +1 +1 +2 vs. 8 & 7 => strong hit => +1 momentum, now +4, inflict 2 harm, +1 strong hit, +2 Thunder-Bringer; progress 10/10 (max)
  End the Fight: progress 10 vs. 6 & 1 => strong hit

The Wight could not withstand the storm of Radulf's fury and although it struck him multiple times, once again Radulf and Lili reduced the creature to pieces, its mask clattering to the ground.

Still furious, Radulf pulped the pieces of the Wight, not satisfied until they were as pulped as the animals left from its foul ritual. He came back to himself to find that Lili was repeatedly saying his name - "Radulf! Radulf! The mask Radulf, we must destroy the mask before it reforms again!"

  Lili believes that the Wight will reform as long as the focus of its vow remains and also believes that the mask is this focus; one of these beliefs is true, the other is not ...

Spying the mask, where it lay, Radulf aimed his Hammer-of-Charun at it and struck it soundly. With a loud clang like a bell being struck, the Greathammer bounced off, the mask untouched.

Unbelieving, for the Hammer-of-Charun had never failed him before, Radulf looked at the Greathammer, then at the mask and back at the Greathammer. Then he swung the Greathammer in two full circles before striking the mask again as hard as he could. Once more, the clang of a bell being struck and the mask lay there - not even a scratch marred its surface.

Mystified, he looked at Lili. She was staring at the mask, one hand held to her mouth which had formed an 'oh' as the true horror of what this meant struck her. She fell to her knees and shouted "NO! NO! Holy Vanth make it not so!"

  Radulf knew that Lili was smarter than him and he was at a loss as to what they should do ... "Lili, what does this mean?" he asked her.
  "It means, darling Radulf," she replied a look of ineffable sadness in her eyes, "That the mask is not the focus of its vow."
  "Then what could it be?" he asked, looking around the cavern - but he could see nothing that it might be. To his side, he could hear the mask dragging across the floor as the Wight began reforming - again.

Ignoring the Wight reforming, Lili came to stand in front of Radulf and placed her hand on his cheek. "My mighty Charun,"she said, her voice full of affection, "I am afraid that not even you can protect me from this. I am the focus of its vow - as long as I live it will reform again and again, endlessly." She stood on her tiptoes and gently kissed Radulf on the lips. A kiss full of missed opprtunities and lost chances.

Radulf was stunned - this could not be true! She must be wrong. All he could say though, was a very quiet, "no ...". His mind refused to accept the truth, even as the Wight reformed itself behind Lili as she stood in front of him.

Tears ran from the corners of her eyes as she said one more word - "Goodbye," then stepped back and thrust her holy sword through her sternum, into the body of the Wight behind her. Lili's torch, discarded on the floor, burned brighter and brighter even as Lili's body fell to the floor with the Wight's body atop her. Then vision was lost to Radulf as he felt himself fall to the floor.




Radulf 21 - The Villain

  Looking back at post 20, I noticed that I rolled a 1 on the first Strike against the Bonehorde; at the time I dimissed it as there was no negative result for the Companion to endure, BUT it should also have resulted in -1 Health for Radulf from the Masked asset, so his Health is now 4
  The image of 'The Villain' below was created by, and used with permission of, 'rsek' on the Ironsworn Discord Server - thanks rsek! On with the game ...
  Defeating the bonehorde counts as
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will end the villain that created the Chimera", progress now 7/10
  Delve the Depths: with observation => +Wits; 4 +2 vs. 7 & 5 => weak hit => on Wits table: 48, mark progress, now 8/10, Feature: 18 evidence of a foul ritual
  This is perfect for the culmination of the Delve - evidence of the Chimera's creation
  Locate Your Objective: progress 8 vs. 7 & 3 => make another move and add +1

  A deep, gravelly, voice echoed through the cavern, "Who has destroyed my guardian? Who DARES to violate my home?" Apart from the way they had come, there was only one other exit from the stinking room, and that was where the voice apparently came from. Retrieving his torch, Radulf led the way, "Charun guide us," he muttered to himself.
  Lili obvously heard him, for she responded, "And may Our Lady Vanth stretch out Her Hand and shield us!"

They headed for the other exit. A short tunnel led to another cave, which stank as much as the one they had left. Animal bodies and bits of animal bodies littered the cavern. Small plants struggled to grow amidst the detritus of the ritual to create the Chimera that had obviously been performed here. But what drew their attention was the black moss speckled figure, wearing a silvery iron mask that stood in the centre of the room.

The Villain
  "Who are you?" its slow, gravelly, voice asked as they stepped into the cavern.
  "We are the people here to end you!" exclaimed Radulf dropping his torch and taking his Hammer-of-Charun in both hands, ready to destroy this foul creature.
  It ignored him, however, and stared at Lili, who had moved to Radulf's left. "I knoowww you," it said slowly.
  Radulf looked at Lili, "What's going on Lili?" he asked.
  "I know not," she replied with a puzzled shrug.
  "It is YOU!" the black figure said, "It is all your fault! It is all because of YOU!"

Still ignoring Radulf, it floated across the room toward Lili.

  Enter the Fray: formidable foe - again Lili and Runbjorn reduce the foe's rank; facing off +Heart; 1 +2 vs. 7 & 1 => weak hit => take initiative
  Strike: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 2 +3 +1 +1 vs. 7 & 6 => weak hit => lose initiative; 2 harm, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 3/10
  Clash: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 2 +3 +1 +1 vs. 9 & 6 => weak hit => lose initiative; 2 harm, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 6/10, pay the price, pick 'person you care about is exposed to danger'

Radulf hit the creature as it floated by him, but it shrugged off the impact and hovered before Lili.

  "YOU!! YOU!!" it shouted, if such a creature could shout. "YOU spurned me! You made me swear that vow!" it continued, seizing Lili with both hands. "YOU are the reason I cannot Rest!!"
  "Lili!" roared Radulf striking the creature in the back as it shook Lili while Runbjorn snapped at the creature's legs, but it ignored the Hound just as it ignored Radulf's blows.

  Clash: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 2 +3 +1 +1 vs. 9 & 9 => miss with a match, burn momentum, now +2 => strong hit => take initiative; 2 harm +1, strong hit, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 10/10
  End the Fight: progress 10 vs. 10 & 7 => weak hit => victory is short-lived: existing danger worsens

Radulf wound up for a mighty swing and, with a prayer to Charun on his lips, he let it go. The Hammer-of-Charun swung through the creature. Its iron mask fell to the floor with a clatter as the creature broke apart, the bits landing on the floor of the cavern amidst the stubby plants. Dropping his Greathammer, Radulf leapt to Lili's side, cradling her in his arms as she had fallen to the floor when the creature did

  "Lili, are you alright?" asked Radulf tenderly. But Lili was shaking her head in denial of something.
  "No," she said, "It cannot be! It cannot be!" she paused as an expression of horror formed on her face. "Radulf," she said, "I recognised that - that thing!" she pushed him away and stood, taking up her sword as she did so.

  "How?" asked Radulf, "How could you know that thing?"
  "When I first arrived at Woodwatch, there was a man there. His name was Volhan and ... well we fell in love. I found him enchanting, he swept me off my feet, I was in heaven. But it was all a deception - he hid his nature from me. He wanted power. He wanted to dominate me as he wanted to control everyone. So I spurned him. I told everyone in the village his true nature and he was cast out." Radulf wanted to hold Lili, to wrap his arms around her and say everything would be alright, but she raised her hand when he began to move toward her.
  "No," she said, "Let me finish." She visibly drew up her resolve. "Volhan left the village one night. Just vanished. No one knew where he went - to be honest, we were all glad to be rid of him."
  "He had claimed to me," she continued, "That he had, before he met me, been an Ironsworn. Perhaps that explains what it said about a vow." She finished, lifted her sword up to her face, prayed to Vanth and kissed her blade.

Before Radulf could speak - not that he knew what he would've said - there was a metallic sound behind him. The creature's mask was rising from the ground and the pieces of its body were slowly moving towards the mask ...




Radulf 20 - The Villain's Lair

  Let's start with our first delve roll
  Delve the Depths: with observation => +Wits; 4 +2 vs. 5 & 1 => strong hit => progress now 2/10
  Find an Opportunity: 22, terrain favors you; Feature: 27 twisting passages

The cavern narrowed as it led away from the daylight, eventually becoming a narrow twisting passage that seemed to angle slightly upwards, ascending into the hill that the cave was in. The floor of the passage was covered with small stones, making their footing uncertain, and Lili took the lead as they cautiously advanced. Several times they came to branches in the passage, but each time Runbjorn was positive as to the direction they should take. It was obvious that he had a scent and was determined to follow it.

  Delve the Depths: with observation => +Wits; 2 +2 vs. 6 & 4 => miss
  Mark Failure track: now 2.75/10
  Reveal a Danger: 62, environmental hazard, rockfall
  Face Danger: Agility, +Edge; 3 +1 vs. 4 & 3 => weak hit => -1 Health, now +4

Insipiration for Lili
At one point where the floor was strewn with boulders large enough to require climbing over, Radulf managed to bang the ceiling with his Greathammer triggering a minor rockfall. Fortunately, Lili was clear of it and Radulf's armour saved him from major harm.

  Delve the Depths: with observation => +Wits; 5 +2 vs. 4 & 3 => strong hit => progress now 4/10
  Find an Opportunity: 48, locate a secure area; Feature: 78 towering stone formations
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will end the villain that created the Chimera", progress now 7/10
  Make Camp: +Supply; 5 +5 vs. 7 & 3 => strong hit => choose recuperate (+1 health, now 5) & focus (+1 momentum, already +10 (max))

Their progress was slow, and they came to a large cavern where the stalagtites and stalgmites had joined forming tall stone pillars that disappeared into the blackness above - their torchlight unable to reach the ceiling. They needed to rest, Radulf's leg, having been hurt in the rockfall, was bothering him. Looking around the edge of the large cavern they found a niche big enough for the three of them, and the way that it curled back on itself would hide the light from the fire they intended to have - all felt the need for hot food. Confident in Runbjorn's ability as a sentry, after eating, Lili and Radulf got what sleep they could.

  Delve the Depths: with observation => +Wits; 3 +2 vs. 5 & 2 => weak hit => on Wits table: 39, mark progress, now 6/10 and
  Reveal a Danger: 48, encounter a hostile denizen; Feature: 14 blight or decay

When they thought it was morning, they packed their makeshift camp, said their prayers and continued deeper into the Villain's Lair, Radulf donning his Mask-of-Charun.

They thought the passage had levelled off now and it had begun to bend back and forth like a meandering river. Then the stench of rot and decay began to permeate the passage. Perturbed by what this might portend, Radulf readied his Hammer-of-Charun and Lili drew her sword, holding her torch higher. They both knew that if it came to a fight Radulf would be forced to drop his torch, so Lili's would be their only lightsource. She had told Radulf, that if it came to that, Holy Vanth had blessed her with power that would help them.

Rounding a bend, the passage opened into another cavern and the stench of decay became almost overpowering. The floor of the cavern was littered with bodies - there were people, animals, Varou and Vanth only knew what else.

As they stepped into the cavern, the bodies began to move. Each of them seemed to jerk repeatedly, as if while lying on the floor, some evil dance was making them move. Then with disgusting, squelching noises, the bones of the bodies started to tear themselves free from their rotting bodies. As Lili and Radulf looked on horrified and Runbjorn whined his fear, above each body the bones began to coalesce into a floating, whirling mass of stark white bleached bone. One part of Radulf knew from his training what was happening. A small part, but it fought back the terror that sought to freeze his limbs, managed to make him drop his torch, ready the Hammer-of-Charun and step in front of Lili. "It is becoming a Bonehorde," he forced out.

  A Bonehorde is an extreme foe, but with Lili and Runbjorn to help Radulf, in this fight it will be formidable

In a strong, confident voice Lili announced, "It matters not my Charun, for we are Iron in our Faith and in the hands of Lady Vanth!"

Fleeting shame raced across Radulf's thoughts, that the fear that almost had him gibbering on the floor had no hold on Lili. It never occurred to Radulf that Lili was as frightened as he, but by stepping in front of her, Radulf had given Lili the strength for her defiance.

The bone masses began to revolve around a central point, quickly coming closer and closer until, with a great clash, they came together and formed one large mass that fell to the floor, sending splinters of bone flying all around.

  Enter the Fray: formidable foe, facing off +Heart; 3 +2 vs. 7 & 4 => weak hit => take initiative
  Strike: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 1 +3 +1 +1 vs. 2 & 1 => strong hit => keep initiative; 2 harm +1 strong hit, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 4/10
  Strike: +Iron, +1 Masked, +1 ferocious Hound; 3 +3 +1 +1 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => keep initiative; 2 harm +1 strong hit, +1 ferocious Hound; progress 8/10

With mighty swings of his Greathammer, Radulf laid about the Bonehorde as it slid across the rotting flesh that covered the cavern's floor. Behind him Lili uttered a holy phrase and the light from her torch blossomed forth, filling the cavern with its holy radiance. Beside him, Runbjorn tore bones away from the foul mass with his mighty jaws. Their weeks of practice together had been for moments like this. Together they were the earthly instrument of Holy Vanth's divine will.

  Note: Vanth was an Etruscan deity and was frequently depicted carrying a torch and sword, so in this game they are her 'holy symbols'; I've given Lili the Lightbearer ritual, hence her ability to enlarge the torchlight
  End the Fight: progress 8 vs. 7 & 2 => strong hit

With a huge swing, putting all his strength into it, Radulf brought the Hammer-of-Charun down on the centre of the Bonehorde. Whatever evil magic animated the mass of bone was destroyed by the blessed Greathammer and the mass fell apart, falling to the floor all around.




Friday, 24 June 2022

Radulf 19 - Finding the Delve

It took Radulf the best part of two weeks to fully recover from the fight with the Haunt and he soon learnt that Lili had been right, the Varou had left after the death of their mystic. That crippled Varou was still out there somewhere, no doubt Radulf would meet it again.

After a few days, he was ambulatory and spent many evenings in the village's tavern getting to know the locals and they him. The mutual affection that he and Lili shared grew as well and led to many sideways glances and suppressed gigles from Sigrid.

  So, four moves here
  Develop Your Relationship: with Lili; 'formidable', progress now 4/10
  Develop Your Relationship: with Woodwatch; 'troublesome', progress now 6/10
  Take a Hiatus: Reset all tracks to maximum, reset momentum; hiatus causes
  Advance a Threat: 43 - threat works subtly to advance toward its goal, mark menace, now 3

Once he was able, Radulf resumed his training with Runbjorn, concentrating upon combat. Runbjorn's tracking was already top-notch and his response to commands was excellent - if anything it was Radulf who needed to practice that. Using the correct tone was just as important as the words, according to Temple-Houndmaster Gunnvor.

  Advance: spend 2xp for Companion Hound second ability Ferocious

They also began training with Lili. She had been keeping up her Duty, and she was one with her holy sword. Well, very nearly.

The winter passed. It was a harsh one. A full week of blizzards howled through at one point. But soon that was but a memory and spring was arriving. In the long dark of winter, they had not been idle though. The advice of Shashkya had been sought, and Odvir had made a better recovery than any had thought he could. He could not tell Sigrid much about the 'great evil' though.

(Apparently, Odvir had always been sweet on Sigrid, a feeling that she returned, and now she was the only person he could talk to about the terrible events that had afflicted him.)

All he could really say was that the evil was to the south-west. On the side of good news, however, was that his physical wound had healed well and Odvir had adapted well to his wooden peg-leg. First-Merchant Piritta had taken him on as a carter and his future, despite his new disability seemed assured. Warden-Captain Erik had changed too.

  Descriptors for Odvir: Sympathetic, Erratic, Trustworthy
  For Erik, remove Cold-hearted, Sad, replace with Compassionate, Energetic (both picked by me)

Odvir's troubles had ignited a new compassion in Erik's heart and the needs of his son during his recovery seemed to have lit a fire under Erik. His energy burned brightly for all to see - instead of the dour, cold man Erik had been, he was now a genuine pleasure to be with. Adversity, it seemed, can lead to benefits.

  As yet more time has passed, I feel it is right to, again,
  Advance a Threat: 58 - threat works subtly to advance toward its goal, mark menace, now 4

The first thaw of spring came earlier than expected, catching Radulf and Lili unready to leave. But they completed their preparations quickly and with Vrusk loaded with their supplies they set out the next day, after their morning prayers, heading south-west hoping to find their enemy.

  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 3 +3 vs. 5 & 4 => strong hit => +4 momentum (+2 from strong hit, +2 from Devotant asset), now +6

  "It's all very well, setting out on a heroic quest like this," Lili said when they were out of earshot of the village, "But where do we actually go?"
  "That is a good question," replied Radulf. "For want of anything better, I'd suggest we go to where the Varou were encamped and see if we can find anything there."

Before long they returned to the clearing where the Varou had been but there was no evidence of them now.

  Gather Information: +Wits, investigating a scene +1 from Hound; 5 +2 +1 vs. 6 & 6 => strong hit & opportunity, +2 momentum, now +8
  The opportunity is that there is a trail to follow that lead to the Villain's Lair

Fortunately, there was evidence of a trail that left the clearing in a south-westerly direction. Following it, they reached a dark cavern that disappeared into the dark. Backing off, they made a cold camp for the night, fearing to attract attention from the cavern.

  Note: To all intents and purposes, it's still winter, so no Make Camp move for them here; this cavern is the start of a Delve
  Discover a Site: The Villain's Lair, dangerous Corrupted Cavern

After a miserable night Lili led their prayers, beseeching Vanth and Charun to be with them on their holy task this day.

  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 3 +3 vs. 5 & 2 => strong hit => +4 momentum (+2 from strong hit, +2 from Devotant asset), now +10 (max)

Leaving Vrusk in a thicket, his harness removed and plenty of fodder nearby, they kindled their torches and entered the cavern, heading into its dark and foreboding depths. The torches created a pitifully small amount of light, but Iron in their Faith, they continued onward ...

  Finding the lair of the Villain, counts as
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will end the villain that created the Chimera", progress now 6/10

 stopping here, more soon



Radulf 18 - The Haunt

The Rite completed, Lili nodded to Radulf. He picked up Odvir, stepped into the circle of the Ward and, reaching its centre, he gently laid Odvir down. He slowly counted to five - his heart was hammering too fast for a reliable count - and then picked Odvir up again. Reaching the edge of the Ward, Radulf began to step over it, when the resistance that Lili had predicted almost pushed him over. If he had not been warned, Radulf was certain it would have knocked him over.

Pushing through the resistance, Radulf saw the ghostly form stripped from Odvir as the Ward forced it to remain inside. As Odvir exited the Ward, he drew in a huge breath and then buried his face in his hands and began crying. Handing the lad to Lili and Sigrid, Radulf picked up his Hammer-of-Charun and turned to face his foe. It was racing around the perimeter of the Ward, trying to escape. He heard Lili and Sigrid behind him taking Odvir to a back room so he would not witness what was to come.

A prayer to Charun upon his lips, Radulf stepped across the Ward.

  Enter the Fray: Formidable foe, facing off; +Heart; 5 +2 vs. 7 & 1 => weak hit => take initiative
  Strike: +Iron +1 Masked; 2 +3 +1 vs. 7 & 8 => miss => lose initiative, -3 Spirit, now 2; progress 0/10
  Mark Failure Track, now 2.25/10
  Clash: +Iron +1 Masked; 3 +3 +1 vs. 4 & 2 => strong hit => take initiative, 2 harm +1 strong hit; progress 3/10

As he crossed the Ward, the Haunt barrelled through Radulf and he felt the coldness of its touch upon his soul, seeming to strip away 'layers' of his very core. Doing his utmost to ignore the feeling that the Haunt had taken part of him, he swung his Greathammer at the creature. The blessings upon the Hammer-of-Charun allowed it to touch the insubstantial form and stopped its flight toward Radulf, parts of it drifting away into nothingness.

  Strike: +Iron +1 Masked; 3 +2 +1 vs. 7 & 6 => miss, burn momentum, now 2 => strong hit => keep initiative, 2 harm +1 strong hit; progress 6/10
  Strike: +Iron +1 Masked; 3 +3 +1 vs. 10 & 8 => miss => lose initiative, -3 Spirit, now 0, 1 overflows to -1 momentum, now +1
  Mark Failure Track, now 2.50/10
  Clash: +Iron +1 Masked; 3 +3 +1 vs. 3 & 2 => strong hit => take initiative, 2 harm +1 strong hit; progress 6/10

Again Radulf struck at the Haunt and again he was rewarded with more of it vanishing, but then it reached its hand into his chest and he felt its hand wrapping around his heart. Its coldness, its desolate emptiness seemed to reach into his heart telling him that he was alone. Charun did not stand with him, Vanth had abandoned him ... no-one would help him ...

But then, as he fell to his knees, black desolation beginning to seize him, he heard Lili's strong, resolute voice calling out to him,"Radulf! You are Charun! Vanth and Charun are with you!"

His faith re-affirmed, Radulf rose and with a shout of "CHARUN GUIDE MY HANDS!", he launched a mighty swing at the Haunt's head.

  Turn the Tide: steal initiative and +1 on next move
  Strike: +Iron +1 Masked +1 Turn the Tide +2
Thunder-Bringer asset (reroll any dice, +2 harm strong hit, but weak hit is a miss); 4 +3 +1 +1 +2 vs. 5 & 2 => strong hit => +1 momentum, now +2, inflict 2 harm, +1 strong hit, +2 Thunder-Bringer; progress 10/10 (max)
  End the Fight: progress 10 vs. 8 & 6 => strong hit

Charun did guide his hands. The Hammer-of-Charun struck the Haunt square in its face and the evil spirit slowly dissipated into nothing. Then Radulf collapsed to the floor, totally spent.

  The defeat of the Haunt is:
  Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will end the villain that created the Chimera", progress now 5/10
  Develop Your Relationship: with Lili; 'formidable', progress now 3/10
  Develop Your Relationship: with Woodwatch; 'troublesome', progress now 3/10

Lili rushed to Radulf's side and helped him to his feet. Together they stumbled to the closest pew, where Radulf collapsed and then he managed to croak, "Give me a moment, please."

By the time Radulf was able to walk, Lili and Sigrid had brought Odvir to join him and they all left the temple for the council hut. By no means recovered, Odvir was at least aware of his surroundings and there was life in his eyes now.

Dawn had come, the snow had stopped and the sun was shining as the group left the Temple-of-Vanth. Entering the hut, Erik leapt to his feet at the sight of his son and rushed to take him from the ladies of the temple. Erik looked questioningly at Lili.

  "He is back in command of himself, Ragnaid is gone," she told the Captain-Warden. "I advise sending a rook to Shashkya at Highfall for advice on how best to care for him," she finished. Turning to the council, Lili said, "We killed the Varou's mystic last night, so I believe that they will withdraw now that their link to the great evil that Odvir encountered is broken. For now, though, Charun Radulf must rest, so we will meet later."

Lili's conclusion was news to Radulf. Odvir must have told her something that he hadn't heard, but honestly, right now he didn't care. He was bone-weary and Lili was right, he needed sleep more than anything. But there was one thing that he must do first - his vow was complete, he must discharge it. As they returned to the Temple-of-Vanth, he told Lili that; she made as if to protest, but seeing the resolve upon his face, agreed.

In the temple, Radulf knelt before Lili and grasped her Holy Sword. "I swear by the Iron of my Faith and the Iron of this Holy Sword, that I have investigated the Varou that attack Woodwatch."
  Fulfill Your Vow: progress 9 vs. 8 & 2 => strong hit => 1xp, +1xp from Bannersworn asset, 2 total

The vow lifted from Radulf and Lili declared, "Holy Vanth concurs," and replaced her sword in its sheath upon the altar. Radulf managed to reach his bed, before collapsing upon it and allowing the oblivion of sleep to claim him.




Radulf 17 - Odvir's Torment

  "NOOOO!!!" came a shout as Radulf and Lili stopped in front of the council hut and Radulf lowered Odvir to the ground. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!!" It was Warden-Captain Erik, running up to them, then falling to his knees and cradling his son.
  "Ragnaid?!" he asked Odvir, "Are you there?!"
  Radulf looked quizically at Lili, "His wife's name," she whispered.
  "No, no, no," repeated Erik, as huge sobs began to wrack his entire body, shoulders heaving as despair seized him. He looked at Radulf and Lili, hatred burning in his eyes. "You've doomed them both, damn you!" and then he bent his head over his son, rocking back and forth.

The Mayor and the rest of the council arrived and eventually Erik was coaxed into the council hut, where Odvir was put into a chair in front of the fire. The village wisewoman was brought and she began dressing Odvir's wound, while Erik was calmed down with the help of restorative brandy.

  Erik is going to share what's going on, but one of his descriptors is Reserved, so I think that a roll is needed; the gather info says that if you act in a community that you have a bond with, you get +1; as I'm using the Starforged connection moves, and Radulf has a connection with Woodwatch, I'm taking the +1; in Starforged connections get +1, bonds +2
  Gather Information: +Wits, +1 connection with Woodwatch; 3 +2 +1 vs. 5 & 4 => strong hit => discover something helpful and specific, +2 momentum, now +5

  "Ragnaid died, you all know that," began Erik slowly, as if he didn't want to share. "Odvir tried to bring her back to Woodwatch, but the foolish boy took too long and she rose." For a moment tears threatened to overwhelm him again, but he forced them back and continued. "He ran. He couldn't bring himself to fight his own mother ... I don't know where he ran but he fell into the clutches of some evil. Some terrible evil." Again he paused.

  "Somehow, this evil took Ragnaid's soul, bound it into Odvir and then sent Ragnaid's body against the village, where it was dismembered and her head boxed - one of those that you rested when you came before," he looked accusingly at Radulf. "Her possessions were given to me and there I found a letter written by Odvir. It said that if I didn't do as I was told, my son would be left with his mother's soul bound to him ... They would war eternally for control of his body - a living hell for my son caused by his mother ... my wife ..."

Silence fell in the room as everyone looked at Odvir and they contemplated the horror that had befallen the Warden-Captain's son.

  Lili knelt by the chair that Erik sat on. "Erik, we can help you and Odvir," she began. Erik looked up at her, trying to fight the hope that he feared was false, kindled in him by her words. "If you'll allow it, we will take Odvir to the temple and perform a ritual." She paused, then continued, "I am very sorry, but we can do nothing for Ragnaid - she is dead and her soul should be at its eternal rest, but I believe we can free Odvir and return his body to him. At least you will have your son back."
  Erik nodded, "Please Priestess. Please save my boy."
  "You must stay here," Lili said to Erik as he moved to stand. "What we must do, would be distressing to you and you must not be allowed to interfere. If you did, it would be very dangerous to all." Erik nodded, reluctantly, and sank back to his chair. "Charun, please bring Odvir to the Temple-of-Vanth." Radulf nodded. The wisewoman had finished with Odvir's leg, so Radulf gently picked him up.

  Discovering the Villain's control of Erik and formulating the plan to free Odvir counts as - Reach a Milestone: formidable vow "I will end the villain that created the Chimera", progress now 4/10

In the Temple-of-Vanth, Radulf waited while Sigrid laid out a bedroll in front of the altar and he then laid Odvir gently upon it.

  "So what is the plan, Priestess?" he asked Lili, using her title, somewhat reluctantly as Sigrid was with them.
  "First we will perform the Rite of Communion to speak with Ragnaid," answered Lili, "Then we will use the Rite of Ward to force her from Odvir's body."
  "Forgive me," began Radulf, "But why Commune?"
  "We need to establish Ragnaid's ... state," answered Lili. "If she retains ... her 'self', her identity, then she may depart willingly once freed from Odvir. If she does not ... well, then she may manifest as a Haunt, and you will need to put her to Rest." She turned to face Radulf fully. "I suggest that you pray for strength, while Sigrid and I prepare the Rite of Communion." Radulf knelt by the altar and prayed. He prayed hard. Facing a Haunt was not something he looked forward to ...

  Secure an Advantage: +Iron: 2 +3 vs. 4 & 3 => stong hit => +4 momentum (+2 from strong hit, +2 from Devotant asset) now +9
  Note: Although not explicitly mentioned that he removed it, Radulf would not still be wearing his Mask-of-Charun, so does not get the +1 it would've given him

His prayers complete, Radulf stood and studied what Lili and Sigrid were doing. Their preparations completed, the candles surrounding Odvir were lit and the incantations begun, which Radulf did his best to commit to memory.

  The Communion ritual would be good for Radulf providing opportunities for vows, so this is his attempt to learn it

A ghostly insubstantial form manifested in the same space as Odvir.

  Is Ragnaid still Ragnaid? Ask the Oracle: small chance, 91+ yes: 56 no. Oh dear ...

It sat up and turned to face Lili, looking like a middle-aged woman whose family resemblance to Odvir was clear, but then her mouth opened ... and opened - far wider than a human mouth should and began screaming. Radulf could do nothing but clap his hands over his ears - which did nothing to shut out the unearthly wail that the spirit projected as its face twisted into an horrific visage.

Lili though was made of sterner stuff, and somehow managing to ignore the wail that tore through Radulf's head, she simply pinched one of the candles out. The spirit vanished, just as the candle flame had. "Well," said Lili, "We now know that Ragnaid will not depart willingly."
  "Charun Radulf, move the pews back to make as large a space as you can in the temple. Sigrid, clear the Commune Rite materials away," instructed Lili.

Radulf and Sigrid did their tasks. Once there was room, Lili laid out a large circle of salt in the cleared space.

  "Charun Radulf," Lili told him, "Once I have concluded the Rite, you will need to carry Odvir into the centre of the circle. Lay him down and do not touch him for five heartbeats. Then pick him up and carry him out of the circle - be sure you do not break the circle."
  "Priestess," replied Radulf, "I know not to break the circle."
  "Of course you do," answered Lili as condescendingly as she could and Sigrid giggled quietly.   "It will be difficult to exit the circle," continued Lili, serious again. "The act will tear the Haunt out of Odvir and trap it inside the Ward of the circle's salt. You must then re-enter the Ward and put the Haunt to rest. Make yourself ready, while I perform the Rite."

As Lili began the Rite, Radulf readied himself for the coming battle putting on his Mask-of-Charun...